Now this is just the treatment for busy girls that dont have a lot of time or even if you arent busy this is a skin treatment that will make you look feel like a zillion rupes
Day: November 26, 2014
Asias First TDA Facial
Asias First TDA Facial A couple months ago my friend who works for a spa product company invited me to come try out their new facial machine called Transdermal Application TDA from Germany After the facial I was very impressed at the effectiveness and pleasure I had during the treatment My friend told me that the best results are shown after 4 to 6 treatments I practically begged to come back for more Ive endured a few quite painful facials in the past that did show results but Im a wimp and dont enjoy suffering for my beauty In the next weeks when running into a girlfriend who I hadnt seen for some time theyd immediately commented on my face and how great it looked I told them about TDA saying it was one of the best facials I knew of that actually gave results instantly Then they asked where they could go get one Sadly no spas or clinics in Bal
Sanur on the Cusp – But of What
Sanur on the Cusp ndash But of What Sanur is the grande dame of Balis resorts and the historical locus of much of Balis interaction with foreigners and their traditional entry point to Bali The town itself has a distinct air of prosperity and benign selfconfidence due perhaps to the fact that the town is pretty much a theocracy run by a group of Brahmin families instead of the customary aristocratic house For many foreigners here Sanur had descended into a genteel tropical torpor which suited some but not most With the coming of the bypass the town was effectively bisected while the rest of Bali sped by on their way to more leisurefilled and businesslike environments North and South of the town The effect of this has in fact been good for Sanur in that a protected and extremely well positioned crescent has been created between the ocean and the bypass bounded in
November 26 2014
November 26 2014Singapore Slingoff Its been a while since we were in Singapore so we had been quite looking forward to getting back there this month We had been amusing ourselves with thoughts about minding the platform gap again but the MRT was full of very pushy people on our two train rides and the whole experience was one of rather less than unalloyed delight Traffic also seemed to be much less well behaved than hitherto The unnecessary and noisy practice of sounding your car horn ndash for any reason or none ndash is gaining a growing toehold in the previously wellmannered and equable city state Worse ldquobig carrdquo syndrome is more and more obvious It is familiar to anyone in Indonesia and many other places where capitalism bureaucracy and fatwalletlawyer are synonyms for badmannered The bumptious practice of the cashedup mob in such environments is to assume droit de seigneur and to believe it is immutable fact that if
Looking for a family villa for yourself or for visiting friendsWe met the experts at Bali Family Villas
Looking for a family villa for yourself or for visiting friendsWe met the experts at Bali Family Villas With so many families travelling to Bali each year we are always being asked which are the best villas for kids There is now a dedicated web site specializing in beautiful Bali villas that are both practical and enjoyable for those travelling with children The site is run by an Australian family with three boys of their own and are longterm residents of Bali They have first hand experience about being in Bali with children and several years experience in the villa industry with a hand picked portfolio of properties based on the family friendly features Examples are pool fence hire interconnecting bedrooms babysitting services games and suitable floor plans They also provide complimentary car seats for airport transfers and free baby cots and high chairs
COOL TREATS Gelato joints in Bali By Skye Laphroaig
COOL TREATS Gelato joints in Bali By Skye Laphroaig We love living in the tropics for all the ice cream we get to eat Chocolate vanilla or tamarillo and ginger its hard to resist a scoop in this awesome weather If you are over the branded commercial ice creams which taste really artificial Bali now has several professional Gelato joints and a single scoop cup costs only 20000 rupiah Gelato is all the rage in Bali We have our favourite spots of course but they are all quite excellent Each outlet has a European creator who produces gelato right here on the island while infusing the product with certain characteristics and charm Compared to todays Americanstyle ice cream gelato has less fat in the base and less air churned into it during the freezing process American ice creams are heavy on the cream and
The World Of Can XueBy Uma Anyar
The World Of Can XueBy Uma Anyar How many Chinese women writers have you read this year If your answer is few or none then may I introduce Can Xue whom I discovered at the Ubud Writers Readers Festival this past October Can Xue is the pen name of Deng Xiaohua She is an avantgarde writer whom Susan Sontag has said is the one Chinese writer most worthy of the Nobel Prize in Literature Can Xue is a wellchosen nom de plume as the term refers to opposite aspects of the same thing It can be interpreted as the stubborn dirty snow left at the end of winter on sidewalks and roadsides or the pure remaining snow at the peak of a mountain after the rest has melted Uniting opposites in one story is a clue as to how one might approach reading this compelling and challenging writer Books that are currently available in English translation include Dialogues in Paradise 1989 The Embroidered Shoe
November 26 2014
November 26 2014UBUD ON GILI T Several favorite Ubud spots have been asked to franchise or open a second store elsewhere ndash Yoga Barn on Gili Trawangan KAFE in Jakarta and Singapore Caf Havana in Australia and wait for it Cuba This year XL Shisha Lounge and Laughing Buddha both opened on Gili Trawangan XL has even exported some of Ubuds live music Laughing Buddha just their great food As I reflect on how good the staffowner relationships are in all of these businesses I realise that Ive spotted one of the ldquosecretsrdquo that other wannabees are searching for Both places ndash and KAFE Yoga Barn and Caf Havana ndash have excellent staff training and support XLs namesake 67rdquo celebrity Dutch footballer Herman XLsized van Wamel closes his businesses completely to give his staff a special holiday each year and they love him I guess Gili T is in for some great role modeling
November 26 2014
November 26 2014 As 2014 comes to a closeThis Sporting Life will start highlighting the upcoming events in 2015 so any event organizer is welcome to send details of their sports event to infobaliadvertiserbiz or infobalisportsmagcom for publication in this column TENNIS NEWS As regularly reported in this column the lack of success by Indonesia in the international sports arena can often be traced to the NSAs National Sports Associations and their inability for whatever reason to nurture and support Indonesian sports talent Case in point Balis own Tami Grende Indonesias best junior tennis player whose talents were considered not good enough by the Indonesian Tennis Association PELTI to include her in the Indonesian team for the recent Youth Olympics in China but good enough to be noticed half a world away by t
Balinese Food by Dr Vivienne Kruger
Balinese Food by Dr Vivienne Kruger Balinese Food is a different kind of cookbook a combined ldquosociological cookbookrdquo and ldquocultural traveloguerdquo that has been written from the worldview of the Balinese themselves The book is actually an extended essay that explores the exotic world of Balinese cooking a cuisine that is an inextricable part of the islands culture and community life In 20 detailed chapters Vivienne Kruger explains Balis foods and food history in the broad contexts of traditional village customs society and religious ceremonies with chapters on the Balinese kitchen the joy of snacking at a roadside food stall warung visiting a traditional Balinese market preparing delicious satay with a Balinese twist brewing potent Balinese coffee as well as sections devoted to ingredients equipment and resources In her 10 years 20032013 of meticulous handson research Kruge
Tim RockBali Dive Expert
Tim RockBali Dive Expert Tim Rock was born in Minnesota and lived most of his early life in landlocked Nebraska He attended the journalism program at the University of Nebraska Omaha from 1969 through 1974 then did a stint in the US Army in Vietnam A frequent visitor to Bali the majority of his professional life has been spent in the Western and IndoPacific regions Tim is a big supporter of marine preserves in his home island of Guam Over the years he has won many awards for documentaries television shows photography and has worked as a correspondent for numerous Pacific Rim magazines as well as coauthored Diving Snorkeling Guide to Bali Manta Ray Publishing 2013 When was your first visit to Bali In 1984 when I flew in from Guam Continental and Garuda had just joined forces for direct Bali flights One
November 26 2014
Its quiet out there on the streets the crowds have left its only us with a fantastic range of shops to rediscover so for those visitors still around along with us we have a lot of shopping pleasures to ourselves ndash
HIV BALI 2014The Good The Bad the Ugly
HIV BALI 2014The Good The Bad the Ugly December the 1st is world AIDS Day ndash a good time to reflect on your awareness of whats going in this country and especially this Island in regards to the global problem Globally the goods news is that the growth of HIV has declined however there are a handful of countries where there has been a significant HIV presence for some time but which have not succeeded in bringing down AIDS deaths and HIV disability Indonesia is one of those countries and has not decreased its HIVAIDS statistics at all With over 250 million inhabitants Indonesia is the fourth most populated country in the world and the country with the fastest growing HIV epidemic in Asia The GOOD News bull Indonesia is working toward providing free health care for all Jokowis nationwide universal health care should be implemented beginning in January 2015
Why Understanding Financial Matters is so Important
Why Understanding Financial Matters is so ImportantIn 2008 a pair of researchers at a US university sought to test a sample of peoples financial literacy They presented the following three questions 1 Suppose you had 100 in a savings account paying 2 per annum After 5 years how much would you have in the account a more than 102 b exactly 102 or c less than 102 2 If the interest rate on your savings account was 1 per annum and inflation was 2 per annum after one year would you be able to buy a more than b the same or c less than today with the money in the account 3 Buying a single company stock usually provides a safer return than a stock mutual fund a True b false The questions were presented to statistically representative groups in a number of countries Simple questions Only in Germany and Switzerland did a majority 53 and 501 of respondents get all three questions right In the US the figure was 30 Japan 27 an
November 26 2014
Rounding off the Aquarius phase of the Suns journey this fortnight as we move into Pisces on the 19th Mercury moves into Aquarius on the 10th and Venus into Pisces on the 11th Neptune conjoins Chiron and the New Moon on the 14th along with the Sun marking a very profound and healing month After the latest of our Pluto square Saturn meetings this is welcome relief as we can now set in place some of the necessary changes the square provoked The long Mars retrograde finally turns direct in March at which time it will be apparent that we have been in a holding pattern with little action since December As I have mentioned previously Uranus moves into Aries in June and by July will be in opposition to Saturn and square to Pluto July and August promising to be potent months of intense change and emotional exchange Aries is always looking for a fight and by that time Uranus will be joined by Jupiter adding a larger than life agenda to all proceedings For now however Jupiter is working with Pluto to bring a compassionate overlay to the current transformative process and promoting Saturn to soften his hard edges a little As the Sun slides out of Aquarius and into Pisces to team up with Jupiter by months end the human heart strings will be plucked and asked to play a tender tune of unconditional love particularly if the world stage is set with natural catastrophes like HaitiNEW MOON 25 Aquarius 18 February 14 2010 1052 am
Dije kejang Rinsoe Cang kar ngumbah Hondane
Dije kejang Rinsoe Cang kar ngumbah Hondane A curious habit Ive noticed people have in Bali is to refer to everyday items using either their brand name or something that is associated with it rather than the actual name of the item According to Balinese Ive talked to about this this habit appeared around the 70s when motorbikes started to become a household item Then the most popular brand was Honda so most folks called a motorbike a you guessed it ldquoHondardquo A camera a curious foreign item mostly carried by tourists was a ldquoKodakrdquo because Kodak was also the name of the place you both bought film and printed your photos washing powder was ldquoRinsordquo soap was ldquoGiprdquo GIV toothpaste was ldquoPepsodenrdquo Pepsodent ldquoSoptekrdquo Softtex for sanitary pads and cigarettes were called ld