January 7 2015 This appears to be a bit of an integrative fortnight after the excitement of the festive season and the Cancer Full Moon Our next New Moon is on the 20th and begins just after the Sun enters Aquarius and as with our last New Moon is at 0 degrees The nodes of the Moon or the karmic destiny points on this New Moon are highly activating our Uranus square Pluto with the South Node past point conjoined Uranus in Aries and the North Node future point in Libra and square to Pluto There will be sudden events and surprises in the area affected within your own personal chart as well as within the collective These have the feel of fated or destiny related occurrences that could well reshape your life Mars in Pisces is close to Neptune on the New Moon and action will be prompted by compassion or retaliation through victimization With the Planets in Aquarius the humanitarian flavour is still
Day: January 7, 2015
The Smallest Room
The Smallest RoomOne of the delights of living in Bali is the opportunity to build a house This is beyond the wildest dreams of most of us and still would be for me if I hadnrsquot arrived before land prices spiraled skyward Unconfined by pesky building regulations we can and do climb right out of the box when designing unique abodes with sometimes mixed results When I built my first house here in 2002 I had of course no experience and an architect was not in the budget So yes errors were made For example I never thought about how people would enter the house or where they would sit when they got there There is still no proper front door Visitors used to come in through the kitchen but passing the parrot who is socially unreliable became so hazardous that I eventually opened up the wall further down and out of harmrsquos way Once inside there is no living room One guest fits nicely sit
New Year Gardening
New Year Gardening ldquoTo forget how to dig the earth and to tend the soil is to forget ourselvesrdquo Gandhi The New Year is the perfect time to develop new plans make changes or look for ways to improve your garden January is one of the most optimistic times of the year If you donrsquot consider yourself a gardener then become one You donrsquot even have to have yard to start a garden You can begin with something as simple as a pot plant on the windowsill growing some basil or parsley All you need is a container and some soil You may be surprised to find out how much can be grown in windowsill pots flowers succulents and herbs Gardening is also a calming activity that has been shown to improve conditions such as dementia and stress Gardening will help you stay fit and active and is easy to do because it is fun To increase your success rate k
Fantastic Salad
Against the background of Javanese culture and the fading power of Japanese occupiers Java in a Time of Revolution explores the origins of revolutionary youth groups the military and political parties with remarkable scope and in scrupulous detail First published in 1972 by Cornell University Press this classic was brought back to life by Equinox Publishing kicking off the publishers Classic Indonesia series in 2007
Foetida Adulteri
Foetida Adulteri It all started a long long time ago with those Roman chappies When they were out conquering theyrsquod have to go on long marches and after a decade or so on the road theyrsquod get a bit smelly around the nether regions To get a bit of ventilation going they started wearing short little leather skirts which the legions found somewhat fetching and added a bit of titillation to their humdrum conquering lives But still they stank Then one day in 67 AD Fredricus Maximus was talking to his mate Cornelius Minimus ldquoCor blimeyrdquo he said ldquomy men pong worse than a skunkrsquos scrotumrdquo ldquoOh we donrsquot have that problem anymorerdquo said Corney ldquoHow comerdquo
January 7 2015
The Whistle BlowerIn this gritty movie inspired by true events an American female police officer takes on a job with a private contractor as a peacekeeper in the postwar torn Balkans There she is made head of Gender Affairs and through her work with women she stumbles upon a lsquowhite slave racket in which innocent young girls are viciously forced into prostitution Director Larysa Kondracki makes a strong movie and Oscar Winner Rachel Weisz as the peacekeeper also performs strongly In addition Rachel gets superb support from Monica Bellucci and Vanessa Redgrave as two ineffectual diplomats
January 7 2015
Its quiet out there on the streets the crowds have left its only us with a fantastic range of shops to rediscover so for those visitors still around along with us we have a lot of shopping pleasures to ourselves ndash
Sugar Season Its Everywhere its Addictive
Sugar Season Itrsquos Everywhere itrsquos Addictive It is a common scene Therersquos a birthday in the office you and your coworkers have all chipped in for a cake your daughter made cookies for a party and yoursquore in trouble if you donrsquot dig in its Easter itrsquos Thanksgiving its Christmas itrsquos the New Year itrsquos a box of chocolates for the one you lovehellip itrsquos any celebration you care to name and cakes and candy are arriving thick and fast Sugar is everywhere It is celebration it is festivity it is love It is also dangerous Recent studies show that sugar much more than salt contributes to the development of cardiovascular disease Unlike the weak much debated arguments against salt sugar has very real significant and immediate metabolic effects that are not good for you dese