Day: February 4, 2015

Turmeric A Pharmacy in a Glass

Turmeric A Pharmacy in a GlassTherersquos a lot of buzz these days about turmeric Curcuma longa This pungent orange rhizome locally known as kunyit is a common backyard culinary herb in Bali Itrsquos been widely claimed that curcumin the active ingredient of turmeric can cure everything from depression to cancer The anecdotal evidence has been sufficient to convince medical researchers around the world to explore its healing properties In Indonesia where 40 of the population earn under 2 a day and there is only one doctor per 5000 people traditional herbal remedies are still widely used Turmeric has been used as an antiinflammatory in India and China for thousands of years Itrsquos been a traditional remedy in Java where it may have arrived via early Indian traders as the tonic drink jamu which many Indonesians and savvy foreigners knock back daily Irsquove been a big fan of jamu for over 20 year

Water Gardens

Water Gardens lsquoDear Dr Kris I would like to have a water feature garden in a large sealed pot with plants such as water lily or lotus but I am not sure how to tell the difference between these Are there any other types of plants or even fish that I could grow in a water garden what are the main factors to consider for this type of gardening Thankyou in advance Beatricersquo From majestic flowers to the tranquil sounds of trickling water and the serenity of flickering reflections all are a welcome presence in any garden A water feature can range in size from a small water bowl or fountain right up to a series of large cascading pools Container water gardens are much easier to develop maintain and rearrange the bigger the water feature the more maintenance and work it will require

Lao Larp

Against the background of Javanese culture and the fading power of Japanese occupiers Java in a Time of Revolution explores the origins of revolutionary youth groups the military and political parties with remarkable scope and in scrupulous detail First published in 1972 by Cornell University Press this classic was brought back to life by Equinox Publishing kicking off the publishers Classic Indonesia series in 2007

A Kettle Of Fish

A Kettle Of Fish I wonder what the collective noun is for motorcycles The way people ride in Bali it must be the same as for mosquitoes a scourge of motorcycles Bicycles That must be a bother a bother of bikes Then we have a trouble of builders a worry of architects and for a bunch of right wing politicians we have a tea party We all know the collective noun for fish is a kettle and of course for crabs is a dose When we talk about quantities we have to wonder which of the worldrsquos countries has the largest population Itrsquos an interesting question but are we talking about the number of people or the amount of people These days a typical supersized English personbeing is getting rather large and in terms of total mass the population of Shanghai is eclipsed by the male voice choir of Upper Nether Wallop a place noted for having more fastfood joints per stomach than anywhere else in the U

February 4 2015

February 4 2015 Sorry Sanur folks itrsquos over No more will you keep all the Sanur secrets to yourselves Itrsquos time for readers in other parts of Bali to find out whatrsquos happening in your deceptively quiet little patch The more we investigate the more we want to learn about whatrsquos cooking in Sanur so please contact Sanur Scoop with information about any new businesses cafes exciting events or interesting projects Email spacetobreathebaligmailcom BICYCLE TRAILS Congratulations to EcoSanur not an official organisation but more a ldquomovementrdquo of longterm Sanur expats working together to better Sanurrsquos environment for the first of three planned official bicycle lanes through the Sanur area The lane begins at the EcoSanur office at Werdhapura Hotel on Jl Da