Amaretti Espresso Custards

Against the background of Javanese culture and the fading power of Japanese occupiers Java in a Time of Revolution explores the origins of revolutionary youth groups the military and political parties with remarkable scope and in scrupulous detail First published in 1972 by Cornell University Press this classic was brought back to life by Equinox Publishing kicking off the publishers Classic Indonesia series in 2007

Amaretti Espresso Custards

I make the amaretti cookies a few days ahead and hold back what I need for the recipe, keeping them safe from any lurking cookie monsters. You could use other dry crisp cookies in place of the amaretti. You can also make the custards the day before serving them. The original recipe called for dark rum but I use orange juice. However the rum or even brandy would be nice too.

Amaretti Espresso Custards
Serves 6 – 8


– 11/2 cups milk
– 1 cup of heavy cream
– 1 cup of freshly brewed espresso or strong coffee –
– 1 cup castor sugar or fine granulated sugar
– 8 eggs, lightly beaten
– 100 ml. fresh orange juice
– 100 gr. amaretti or other dry cookies finely chopped

Recipe for amaretti:


Preheat the oven to 320 degrees F.

Put the milk, cream, coffee and sugar into a pot over a medium heat for 5 minutes, stirring until the sugar dissolves. Remove from the heat for 5 minutes.

Stir the beaten eggs and orange juice into the milk mixture stirring well. Strain this into a bowl.
Evenly divide the chopped cookies into 6-8 ramekins or oven proof cups and then pour the milk mixture over these and give a little stir to each one. The amaretti will float to the top.

Set the ramekins in a roasting pan or glass baking dish large enough to hold all of them and pour boiling water into the pan so the water comes half way up the sides of the ramekins. If this too heavy to lift then use two smaller pans. The important part is that the boiling water goes halfway up the sides of the ramekins.

Carefully put the whole shebang into the oven and bake for 45-50 minutes or until a knife inserted into the middle comes out clean.

Cool the custards to room temperature and then chill in the fridge until ready to serve.

Note: I use 175 ml. custard cups for this. If you use bigger ones you will just get fewer servings.


Puding Amarreti Espresso
Untuk 6 – 8 orang


– 11/2 cangkir susu
– 1 cangkir krim (yang untuk whipping)
– 1 cangkir kopi segar yang kuat – espresso kalau ada – jangan pakai yang
– 1 cangkir gula castor

– 8 telur, dikocok
– 100 ml. jus orange segar
– 100 gr. kue amaretti atau kue lain, dipotong kecil
Lihat recep:

Cara Membuat :

Panaskan oven 320 derajat F.

Taruh susu, krim, kopi, dan gula castor didalam pot, gunakan api yang sedang. Panaskan 5 menit, aduk sampai gula mencair. Keluar dari api dan taruh disamping, biarkan 5 menit.

Kocok telur dengan jus orange. Sambil dikocok , tambahkan 1/2 cangkir campuran susu. Terus dikocok, tambahkan lagi sedikit demi sedikit sisa campuran susu. Saring campuran ini kedalam mangkok.

Siapkan cetakan keramik /gelas (yang biasa dipakai untuk dioven), 6-8 cetakan.

Masukkan potongan amaretti atau kue lain kedalam cetakan keramik secara merata.

Masukkan campuran susu dan telur di atas amaretti , aduk dengan hati hati tiap mangkok cetakan. Amaretti akan mengapung – tidak apa apa.

Siapkan cetakan yang cukup besar, supaya cetakan yang berisi adonan kue bisa masuk kedalamnya. Masukkan cetakan yang berisi adonan kue kedalam cetakan yang lebih besar. Tambahkan air panas kedalam cetakan yang lebih besar sampai setengah penuh.

Masukkan kedua cetakan kedalam oven dengan hati hati. Masak sampai matang, kira – kira 45-50 menit. Cek puding apakah sudah matang apa belum, dengan cara tusuk puding dengan pisau. Kalau waktu pisau diangkat bersih, berarti puding sudah matang. Keluarkan dari oven dan pudding ini bisa disimpan didalam kulkas sampai dingin sekali.

Pesan: Kami pakai cetakan puding yang 175 ml. untuk recep ini.

All recipes are available on the Bali Advertiser website in both English and Indonesian versions. You can easily copy and paste and print. Paste as unformatted text.

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