CAS Corner
EOTC Trash analysis – Radhita Anggono Grade 11
Upon arriving at Les Village, we quickly settled down and got straight to work to improve on our efficiency. We introduced ourselves to the villagers and made ourselves familiar with the groups we would be working with for the next few days. On the first day, we were informed of the initiatives that have been taken to improve the waste issue in the village. This includes things like paying the villagers a certain amount based on the trash that they collect and to see how certain policies affect the frequency of certain types of trash in different areas. There is the question of how measuring the effectiveness of the legislation will affect the people. I’m not entirely sure of the whole process but I think that if we want to measure the effectiveness of the law, then we will also have to consider the mindset of the society around us. Is this a good measure to correct littering? There’s always the problem that this will cost quite a bit to enforce and to pay the villagers, which is money that could have been used for education instead.
In order to recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions, we participated in a group activity where we all had to make a presentation detailing the effects of climate change to a given topic and think about certain solutions. With the impacts of the different issues we were given, we were thought about what the global issue of climate change could do to many people around the world. Everyone contributes to the issue but not equally and some will feel the impact more harshly than others. Drastic weather changes and a sudden surge of extreme floods that may destroy people’s homes and in the most severe case, take lives. Every action will have a reaction and with the negative impact it has on people, there will always be the question of whether the benefit of cheaper products outweigh the cost of this very real and very terrifying problem.
I will clarify that with thinking out solutions, most of them included decreasing consumption of a certain product or switching out existing ones for goods that were more sustainable. This included solutions that were on a personal level, things like turning off the lights and taking shorter showers, to a larger community, things like investing in solar panels and having certain hours of the day where only a select number of cars could drive so pollution from gas emissions were reduced. In doing this, I was able to see how certain actions may cause an impact and contribute to the ever-growing problem of enhanced global warming and that with certain decisions, there will always be a hefty cost: whether it be monetary or environmentally. It’s important to realise just how much these small things can add up with every person that contributes to it and the impact it can have on people.
The research that we have done and the activity that we had to do also demonstrates engagement with issues of global significance because I firmly believe that climate change is an issue of worldwide scale that needs to be dealt with.
Grade 7 Language & Literature Students Get Creative
Grade 7 students are just finishing up our latest novel unit. As we finish the book The Lions of Little Rock by Kristin Levine, students are getting their creativity on by making a series of assessments that showcase their knowledge of the book. Students could choose from several different assessments such as creating their own comic book, acting out an interesting scene, videoing a book talk, or even creating a diorama. All assessments should include MLA citations, written descriptions of the scene(s) depicted, and quotes from the actual story.
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