Balsamic Feta Carrots

Carrots, not my first choice in vegetables, rise to a new level in this recipe. You can buy the balsamic glaze at Dijon, or simply boil 1 cup of balsamic vinegar with a quarter cup of palm sugar and reduce it by half. If pine nuts are difficult to come by, substitute roasted cashews. And if you prefer goat cheese to feta, change that too.


Serves 4



– 1 kg peeled carrots, cut in half lengthwise

– 2 Tbl. olive oil

– 100 g butter

– 2 Tbl. palm sugar

– 2 Tbl. balsamic glaze (see above to make your own)

– 30 gr. feta cheese, crumbled

– 50 g pine nuts or cashews, roasted in a wok or frying pan

– 1 Tbl. Italian parsley, chopped



Preheat the oven to 400˚F.


Oil a cookie sheet with some of the olive oil. Add the carrots to the cookie sheet and toss them with the remaining oil. Roast the carrots in the preheated oven for 25-30 minutes or until nicely browned.


While the carrots are roasting make the sauce. Into a small pot over a low heat melt the butter. Add the palm sugar and the balsamic glaze and stir well. Keep this warm.


When the carrots are beautifully browned, arrange them on a serving plate. Pour the balsamic butter mixture over them and garnish with the parsley and nuts. Serve warm.


Enjoy your carrots!



Wortel Manis Dengan Balsamic

Untuk 4 orang


Bahan bahan:

– 1 kg wortel, buang kulitnya dan dipotong setengah panjang

– 2 Tbl. minyak olive

– 100 gr. mentega

– 2 Tbl. gula merah

– 2 Tbl. balsamic glaze (bisa bikin sendiri. Bahanya; campur 1 cangkir cuka balsamic dengan ¼ cangkir gula merah, rebus sampai airnya tinggal setengah)

– 30 gr. keju feta, di robek

– 50 gr. kacang pine, atau kacang mente, dipanggang

– 1 Tbl. daun parsley, dipotong sedang


Cara Membuat :

Panaskan oven sampai 400˚F.

Olesi cetakan metal yang untuk oven dengan minyak olive. Taruh wortel di atas cetakan. Kuaskan dengan minyak olive, masukkan ke dalam oven dan bakar selama 25-30 menit sampai berwarna kecoklatan.

Sementara wortel dimasak, masukkan mentega, gula merah, dan balsamic glaze ke dalam panci. Masak pelan di atas api kecil dan aduk sampai semua bahan tercampur rata.

Waktu wortel sudah lemas dan berwarna coklat, taruh di atas piring untuk meja dan hiasi dengan campuran mentega dan balsamic glaze. Taburi dengan keju, kacang dan daun parsley.

Selamat menikmati !!



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