All articles in Horoscope

February 04 2015

February 04 2015 This fortnight is flavoured by the Full Moon in Leo conjunct Jupiter and trined to Uranus and the South Node of the Moon in Aries This makes our Aquarian Sun trined to the North Node in Libra and if you remember this cycle is all about those karmic nodes and events that feel somewhat destined or fated Take special note of these events taking place in your life now as they are of paramount importance when it comes to creating your future Uranus stays in close proximity to Pluto in its square until May when they finally move out of close orb at least for awhile and although this is the final of our seven exact squares they move to within a degree of each again over the next year These are trying times for many people with the life themes seemingly large It can feel overwhelming and even hopeless at times for many people Even those who are somewhat awake or aware consciously can feel

January 21 2015

January 21 2015 We are in the window between New and Full Moon this fortnight with the Aquarian New Moon theme leading up to a Leo Full Moon on the 4th Just to remind you then of the highlights of this fortnight as the Moon is waxing towards full The South Node of the Moon was exact conjunct Uranus and trine to Jupiter as the fortnight began and the moon will join this Jupiter at its peak There is a strong relationship theme with Mercury conjunct Venus and opposite Jupiter with the Mercury turning retrograde directly after the New Moon So what we have then are old partnerships returning to our lives for some much needed discussion and review With Jupiter also in retrograde motion and in the sign of Leo a fixed sign as is Aquarius Sun Mercury and Venus it could be a little slow going with neither party wanting to budge their viewpoint Mars is in Pisces conjunct Neptune the ruler of Pisces an

January 7 2015

January 7 2015 This appears to be a bit of an integrative fortnight after the excitement of the festive season and the Cancer Full Moon Our next New Moon is on the 20th and begins just after the Sun enters Aquarius and as with our last New Moon is at 0 degrees The nodes of the Moon or the karmic destiny points on this New Moon are highly activating our Uranus square Pluto with the South Node past point conjoined Uranus in Aries and the North Node future point in Libra and square to Pluto There will be sudden events and surprises in the area affected within your own personal chart as well as within the collective These have the feel of fated or destiny related occurrences that could well reshape your life Mars in Pisces is close to Neptune on the New Moon and action will be prompted by compassion or retaliation through victimization With the Planets in Aquarius the humanitarian flavour is still

December 24 2014

December 24 2014 Saturn enters Sagittarius on the first day of this fortnight and will remain there until the end of 2017 apart from a 3 month return to Scorpio mid next year The orbit of Saturn takes approximately 29 years and our last transit was between 1986 and 1988 On the day of Saturns entry into Sagittarius we have 5 planets in the sign of Capricorn ruled by Saturn including Pluto with its square to Uranus Remember our New MoonSun conjunction has just occurred and the tone is sobering and the New Year Celebrations have not yet begun Sagittarius is the sign that advocates truth justice and freedom above all else and with Saturn there for this next cycle we may see a push towards political and religious restructuring The Chernobyl nuclear disaster happened during the last transit of Saturn in Sagittarius and we are currently in our cleanup of the Fukushima traged

December 10 2014

December 10 2014 Leading into this fortnight Mercury is conjoined Saturn in Scorpio and heads on into Sagittarius on the 28th and will finally join the Sun again on the Full Moon in early December Mars changes signs this fortnight as well and heads into Aquarius also around the Full Moon Remember our New Moon was squared to Neptune and as we move towards Full Venus Sun and Mercury in turn will trine Uranus and square to Chiron What this could possibly mean is that as we are impulsed to strike out on our own creative path others may be hurt or feel neglected in the process Energy will be fast moving and unpredictable and with Mars in Aquarius the sign ruled by Uranus pushing things along to an inventive new level chaos may become the norm As Uranus and Pluto pull in ever tighter towards the square the pressure increases and the old guard holds firm and the rebellious new flamboyantly expr

November 26 2014

November 26 2014 Leading into this fortnight Mercury is conjoined Saturn in Scorpio and heads on into Sagittarius on the 28th and will finally join the Sun again on the Full Moon in early December Mars changes signs this fortnight as well and heads into Aquarius also around the Full Moon Remember our New Moon was squared to Neptune and as we move towards Full Venus Sun and Mercury in turn will trine Uranus and square to Chiron What this could possibly mean is that as we are impulsed to strike out on our own creative path others may be hurt or feel neglected in the process Energy will be fast moving and unpredictable and with Mars in Aquarius the sign ruled by Uranus pushing things along to an inventive new level chaos may become the norm As Uranus and Pluto pull in ever tighter towards the square the pressure increases and the old guard holds firm and the rebellious new flamboyantly expr

November 12 2014

November 12 2014 As we enter into this fortnight Mars is conjoined Pluto and squared off to Uranus Mars is the lower octave of Pluto and is the major activator for Plutonic events and with Uranus in Mars sign of Aries everything is possible All kind of eruptions unexpected happenings and chaotic events are set to take place on the buildup to the exact square in midDecember Venus and the Sun are travelling with Saturn in Scorpio the sign ruled by Pluto and are keeping things intense and deeply emotional Saturn rules authority figures the military banking government and the corporate world Things will begin to lighten up by the 17th when Venus enters Sagittarius and the New Moon on the 22nd marks the Suns entry into Sagittarius as well The Sun and Venus are now moving out of orb with each other having travelled this last month in the underworld together The New MoonSun combination and Venus