All articles in Paradise… In Sickness & In Health

Health in the News

Health in the NewsBoth Japanese Encephalitis JE and Listeriosis have hit the local news this week with 2 infants on the West of the Island in a critical condition after contracting JE and batches of imported apples from the USA being taken from the shelves after the have been found to be contaminated by Listeriosis So why are we worried JAPANESE ENCEPHALITIS What Is Japanese Encephalitis JE is a serious viral illness that affects the brain It primarily affects children between the ages of 2 ndash 10 years the elderly or individuals with lowered immune systems Case fatality rates range from 03 ndash 60 average 30 and approximately 30 of those survivors will be brain damaged in some way How does Japanese Encephalitis present Some people that are exposed to the disease will have very mild or no symptoms at all Those that suffer severe acute infection would show any or all of the f

Expired Drugs… Stow or Throw

Expired DrugshellipStow or ThrowItrsquos a habit of mine to clear out my cupboards for the New Year and as usual I find that a good deal of medications in my personal household pharmacy are over their usebydate Living in a place like Bali where a lot of people including myself stock up on medications from overseas some of them very expensive many will store their medicines past the expiry date printed on the box A bad habit perhaps Wrong It is probably a sensible one according to a study done by the American FDA which found that most drugs are labeled very conservatively as far as their shelf life is concerned and that many are still potent up to 10 years after the given expiry date According to the FDA drugs ldquoexpirerdquo on the date theyrsquore projected to have lost 10 percent of their potency which means they are still 90 effective although the outdated drug is not as effective as t


FliesMost people have noticed the incredible onslaught of flies that we are suffering in Bali this year Although many are outdoors too many are making themselves at home in and around the house as well Flies enjoy the great indoorsndashndashitrsquos warm therersquos often food on offer and the weather isnrsquot bothersome They fly in through open doors and windows that donrsquot have screens and seem to find it hard to fly back out again Their constant buzzing around is annoying and even worse they are potentially unhygienic They spread a myriad of diseases nontheleast of them typhoid fever which is very common here in Bali Here are some tried and true methods for getting rid of flies in the house Cleaning away fly attractants 1 Clean the kitchen thoroughly Remove all sources of food or prevent access to food that has to be left out Flies will hang around the kitchen if there is a f

Terrorist Attack What Would You Do

Terrorist Attack What Would You Do After recent events in Sydney our memories have been given a serious nudge back to the time when Bali was the target of religious extremists Make no mistake Those radical groups are still here and still have the same views and the same intentions Terrorist watchdogs have also stated that ISIS numbers in Indonesia have tripled in recent months Could this be the writing on the wall Not to cause panic or paranoia just a timely reminder of the world we currently live in and an occasional lookoveryourshoulder may be wise advice Terrorism is implemented in many forms however our most likely risk here would probably be bomb gunfire or hostage I doubt or Im hoping that nuclear or biowarfare strategies would not reach our shores at this stage General Guidelines for Preparing for a Terrorist Attack bull Be aware of your surroundings b

Wet Season Woes

Wet Season WoesThe rains are here Welcome relief from the premonsoon heat and humidity however the wet brings with it its own set of health concerns which can be a challenge ASTHMA Those who suffer from asthma have sensitive airways which can sometimes become narrow and this makes breathing difficult Many seasonal asthma sufferers find that their symptoms worsen in the wet season There is increasing awareness that mould growth inside damp buildings is an important factor in childhood asthma and if the exposure is very high it can cause severe breathing problems This mould grows where there is dampness Alangalang roofing can also be a strong allergen for asthma sufferers If you have an asthmatic member in your family try to choose accommodation without this type of roofing DENGUE FEVER Mosquito numbers will increase prolifically towards the end of the wet season when rivers lakes stor

HIV BALI 2014The Good The Bad the Ugly

HIV BALI 2014The Good The Bad the Ugly December the 1st is world AIDS Day ndash a good time to reflect on your awareness of whats going in this country and especially this Island in regards to the global problem Globally the goods news is that the growth of HIV has declined however there are a handful of countries where there has been a significant HIV presence for some time but which have not succeeded in bringing down AIDS deaths and HIV disability Indonesia is one of those countries and has not decreased its HIVAIDS statistics at all With over 250 million inhabitants Indonesia is the fourth most populated country in the world and the country with the fastest growing HIV epidemic in Asia The GOOD News bull Indonesia is working toward providing free health care for all Jokowis nationwide universal health care should be implemented beginning in January 2015


HEARING LOSS HEADPHONESIs Anyone ListeningAs a parent do you often find yourself asking your teenagers to remove their headphones so you can speak to them You may want to consider doing it even more often Current studies have shown that 1 in 5 teens have some form of hearing loss a rate about 30 higher than it was in the 1980s and 1990s which many experts believe is due in part to the increased use of headphones According to experts in the field listening through headphones at a high volume for extended periods of time can result in lifelong hearing loss for children and teens Aside from earphones and personal listening devices the incredible volume generated at nightclubs live music venues and even car stereo systems can also be a source of concern How Does Hearing Loss Occur Hearing loss can result from damage to structures or nerve fibers in the inner ear that responds to sound This type of hearing l