Citrus Ginger Shrub & Strawberry Basil Balsamic Shrub

Searching for interesting, satisfying drinks without alcohol or a lot of sugar, I came across Shrubs. The name comes from the Arabic word for drink. These have been made in many cultures over eons of time. They’re simple to make and keep a long time in the fridge. Just add 1-2 tablespoons to a glass of chilled water or soda water, or use them in cocktails. Here are a couple of recipes but keep in mind you can do your own combos. I did a yummy one with torch ginger flower, pear, pineapple and thyme. Just keep the proportions to 1 cup sugar or other sweetener, to 1 cup vinegar of your choice, and 1- 2 cups cut up fruit and herbs.



Citrus Ginger Shrub

Makes about ½ liter


– 3 oranges, organic if possible

– 2 lemons, organic if possible

– 2 Tbl. grated fresh ginger

– 1 cup apple cider vinegar or a combination such as half cider and half sherry

– ¾ cup honey, granulated sugar, or palm sugar


In a clean wide-mouth jar with a lid, mix the honey or sugar with the apple cider vinegar or combination of vinegars. Stir well until the honey or sugar is dissolved.

Wash the fruits well under running purified water. Using a paring knife or vegetable peeler, remove the outermost layer of the peel, called the zest, on each of the fruits. Try to minimize the amount of white pith removed because it’s bitter. Add the peels to the honey-vinegar mixture.

Juice the remaining citrus fruit. You should have about ¾ cup of juice. Add the juice to the peel-honey-vinegar mixture. Add the grated ginger and stir well to combine. Put the lid on the jar and store it in the refrigerator for 5 days, stirring daily. After 5 days, taste, and if you’re happy with the flavor, it’s ready to use. If you prefer a deeper flavor, let sit an additional 2 days.

Strain the shrub, pressing down on the fruit solids to remove as much liquid as possible. Store sealed in a clean, glass jar in the refrigerator for up to 2 months. The flavor will only get better as it matures.

You can serve this with or without alcohol. Add 1-2 tablespoons of shrub to a glass, add soda water and ice. Stir gently or the soda will foam up and spill over. If you’d like a cocktail add an ounce of gin, vodka, bourbon or your favorite liquor.

Strawberry Basil Balsamic Shrub


– 2 cups strawberries, washed, stemmed and cut in half

– ½ cup basil leaves, washed, torn by hand

– 1 cup palm sugar syrup (

– 1 cup sugar

– 1 cup balsamic vinegar

– 1 cup apple cider vinegar


Put the palm sugar syrup, sugar, and vinegars into a clean wide mouth jar with a lid. Stir until well mixed. Add the strawberries and basil, stir and close with the lid.

Store this in the fridge for 5 days, stirring daily. Taste after the 5 days and if you prefer a stronger flavor leave in fridge 2 more days. When it’s ready, strain the mixture, pressing down on the fruit to extract as much flavor as possible. Pour into a clean bottle with a cap.

Put 1-2 Tbl. into a glass of chilled water or soda water or use in a cocktail.

Bottoms Up!!

Jeruk dan Jahe Shrub

Untuk kira kira 1/2 liter

Bahan Bahan:

– 3 jeruk oren, organik kalau ada

– 2 jeruk lemon, organik kalau ada

– 2 Tbl. jahe, diparut

– 1 cangkir cuka apel cider atau campur ½ cuka apel dan ½ cuka lain seperti sherry

– 3/4 cangkir madu, gula pasir atau gula merah

Cara Membuat :

Siapkan toples yang lebar yang ada tutupnya. Masukkan madu atau gula dengan cuka apel cider, atau cuka lain. Aduk bagus supaya merata.

Cuci buah sampai bersih. Gunakan pisau tajam atau pengupas sayuran untuk keluar kulit saja. Jangan potong tempat putih karena ini pahit. Tambahkan kulitnya ke toples dengan cuka dan madu dan aduk.

Sisa buah dijus, supaya dapat kira ¾ cangkir jus. Tambahkan ini ke toples dengan kulit jeruk, madu dan cuka. Aduk bagus dan tutup toples. Taruh di dalam kulkas untuk 5 hari. Tiap hari harus diaduk. Sesudah 5 hari, rasakan dan kalau rasanya belum cukup keras, bisa simpan lagi di kulkas selama 2 hari lagi.

Kalau rasanya sudah keras, bisa disaring. Tekan buah di dalam saringan supaya semua cairnya keluar. Simpan air saringan di dalam botol dan tutup rapat dan bisa simpan di kulkas sampai 2 bulan.

Untuk menyajikan, taruh 1-2 Tbl. shrub di dalam gelas, isi dengan air dingin atau air soda. Bisa juga tamba 1 oz vodka, gin atau alcohol, sesuai selera.

Stroberi Basil Balsamic Shrub

Bahan bahan:

– 2 cangkir buah stroberi, dicuci bersih, biarkan tangkainya dan dipotong setengah

– 1/2 cangkir daun basil segar, robek dengan tangan

– 1 cangkir sirup gula merah (

– 1 cangkir gula pasir

– 1 cangkir cuka balsamic

– 1 cangkir cuka apel cider

Cara Membuat :

Siapkan toples yang lebar yang ada tutupnya. Masukkan sirup gula merah, gula pasir dan cuka. Aduk bagus supaya merata. Tambahkan buah stroberi, daun basil dan tutup toples

Taruh di dalam kulkas untuk 5 hari. Aduk tiap hari. Merasa sesudah 5 hari. Kalau anda mau rasa yang lebih kuat biarkan di kulkas selama 2 hari lagi.

Kalau rasanya sudah siap, bisa disaring. Tekan buah di dalam saringan supaya semua cairnya keluar. Simpan air saringan di dalam botol dan tutup rapat dan bisa simpan di kulkas sampai 2 bulan.

Untuk menyajikan, taruh 1-2 Tbl. shrub di dalam gelas, isi dengan air dingin atau air soda. Bisa juga tamba 1 oz vodka, gin atau alcohol, sesuai selera.

Bisa simpan di kulkas sampai 2 bulan

Selamat minum!!

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