Creating a Phenomenal Life in 2015 Beyond

Creating a Phenomenal Life in 2015 BeyondMany people make New Yearrsquos resolutions with the best of intentions but sadly there is seldom any follow through Perhaps this is because we return to our daily lives and our stories Or maybe we think our intentions are not practical or will just be too difficult to actualize in our lives There seems to be an invisible block that we try and try to get past but we never or rarely succeed in doing so The end result is that we sometimes become even more jaded about our life and our dreams for the future This is all sounding pretty depressing so letrsquos approach it from a totally different perspective What if I told you that happiness is just a choice ndash that YOU have the capacity to create your life exactly the way that you want to all you have to do is choose Our lives are made up of the puzzle pieces of choices that we have made along the way A woman in an abusive marriage walks away and sta

Creating a Phenomenal Life in 2015 & Beyond

Many people make New Year’s resolutions with the best of intentions, but sadly, there is seldom any follow through. Perhaps this is because we return to our daily lives and our stories? Or maybe we think our intentions are not practical or will just be too difficult to actualize in our lives? There seems to be an invisible block that we try and try to get past but we never or rarely succeed in doing so. The end result is that we sometimes become even more jaded about our life and our dreams for the future.

This is all sounding pretty depressing so let’s approach it from a totally different perspective. What if I told you that happiness is just a choice – that YOU have the capacity to create your life exactly the way that you want to; all you have to do is choose. Our lives are made up of the puzzle pieces of choices that we have made along the way. A woman in an abusive marriage walks away and starts a whole new life. Another woman chooses to stay in her abusive marriage and she becomes an alcoholic. A young man at the age of 18 decides to have a vasectomy so he will never create life. Years later he meets a woman from Ireland and they fall in love. She has always dreamed of having children, but his choice has made this a near impossibility. As much as he loves her, he still refuses to do surgery to reverse his vasectomy. The relationship ends.

Life affords us so many possibilities that it can be difficult to choose. We don’t always know what our choice will create five, ten or even twenty years down the road, but we can get the energy of what our choice could create by perceiving it in our being — our hearts.

It’s time to create your phenomenal life! Here are some fun and easy tools that you can use:

1. When you are thinking about an important decision you need to make whether it has to do with buying a car or getting married, close your eyes and ask: “If I choose this, what will my life be like in five years? 10 years? 20 years?” Then wait and get the energy of it. What you’re looking for is either a light, expansive feeling which is a big YES! Or, a heaviness or constricting feeling in your body which is a definite NO! This tool takes a little practice but the more you use it the easier it will be for you to just know what choice will be the best one for you.

2. Stop complaining! Choose your thoughts and feelings carefully. Energy follows thought, so what you think you will create. You could even begin your day by asking: “What grand and glorious adventure will I have today?” This sets a more light-hearted tone which will motivate and inspire you to have a wonderful day.

3. Instead of making a resolution like: “I will lose 20 pounds by April 1st.” Ask your body: “What would it take for me to lose all this excess weight with total ease? Body, how would you like to move today? What would you like to eat?” Thank your body for all the support it has given you. Stop judging it! Whatever we judge we lock that into place. I’ll repeat that so you really hear it. WHATEVER WE JUDGE WE LOCK THAT INTO PLACE. So imagine if you were kind to your body, how would it respond to you? Your body actually has its own consciousness. This may sound strange but it’s true.

Many other New Year’s resolutions that loads of people make often have to do with judgments of what they feel they are doing wrong and what they think would be right. What if you could stop functioning from what’s right, good and perfect or what’s wrong, mean and vicious? What if you could begin to see how magnificent you truly are?

4. Be kind to you! Whenever you buy into other people’s points of views about you being bad or wrong, you are being unkind to you. Whenever you talk to yourself negatively, blame or shame you, you’re literally destroying you. The next time you find yourself going down that rabbit hole, would you please try this tool instead? Just say: “interesting point of view, I have that point of view.” Or if someone is saying something mean about you to you, then say: “Interesting point of view, s/he has that point of view.” I once did this for two weeks straight and I became a walking meditation. I felt this incredible peace within me as I recognized that everything was just an interesting point of view.

5. Let go of your past and start asking questions about who you want to be today – in this moment. When we hold on to the past, we can’t see our future possibilities. While it’s true that many people have been through traumatic events which have altered their lives, these experiences have also been the stepping stones for who they have become. We all have the choice to be limited by these experiences or be empowered to be even greater. Every choice we make creates awareness and even more possibilities. I invite you to create your phenomenal life today. Just choose it!

I would like to thank all the loyal readers of my column. Feel free to send me an email any time. I would love to hear from you!

Michele is an Energy worker, Consciousness Facilitator, spiritual teacher & retreat leader in the international arena. Her highly empathic nature & inherent gifts as a healer, together with her extensive training in a wide variety of healing methods enables her to assist people with numerous issues spanning from anxiety, low self esteem, emotional traumas & much more. She offers private sessions, workshops & retreats on and off Bali. Michele loves facilitating a different possibility for everyone she encounters.

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Copyright 2015 © Michele Cempaka