Dr. Angga Joins Rotary Club Bali Ubud Sunset

On February 22, 2021, Rotary Club Bali Ubud Sunset [RCBUS] welcomed its newest member, Dr. Angga. He was sponsored by Sue Bishop. The entire membership is pleased to welcome him into our Rotary Club.

Dr. Angga was born in Surabaya, Java, the second largest city in Indonesia and the capital of East Java. From 2002-2006, he attended Udayana University School of Medicine and Health Sciences in Denpasar where students acquire the expertise to be able to compete with doctors from around the world. From 2006-2008, Dr. Angga completed internships at Sanglah, Amlapura, Gianyar and Bangli hospitals. He is a General Practitioner [GP] who has, until recently, worked as a doctor on call and at a clinic in Sanur. Dr. Angga also volunteers for “Health Days”, a program sponsored by Bali Sehat which provides access to medical care, dental care and medications to the people of Karangasem Regency who have no other access to health care.

When asked why he volunteered for “Healthy Days”, Dr. Angga answered, “Because I realize, that as humans, we need to help each other. As a doctor, I have more opportunities to help more people. Basically, I believe in Karma. I have been a volunteer doctor for Bali Sehat since the “Healthy Days” program started in 2012.”

Bali Sehat is a not for profit founded by Sue and Ray Bishop, two expats from Australia. It began delivering free health care to the villages in East Bali in November, 2012, when a small clinic with one nurse in Bias Lantang was opened. Today Bali Sehat is in the process of hiring multiple staff members for its new clinic in Seloni, the only medical facility for miles around.

Bali Sehat volunteer medical professionals also traveled to many remote banjars in 2016. Bali Sehat treated over 7,000 people for diabetes, skin diseases, nutrition related diseases and other diseases primarily caused by   poor hygiene. Bali Sehat also offers continued education in hygiene and nutrition to the people in the Karangasem Rengency. Dr. Angga was recently hired as Medical Director for the new Bali Sehat Clinic in Seloni. When asked what he saw as the clinic’s largest challenge, Dr. Angga answered, “Sustainability. Because the clinic is a not for profit yayasan, its funding will rely, for the most part, on donations. I am developing a long term strategy to make certain that the clinic is well funded and able to provide the best medical services to the people it serves.” He went on to say that the clinic will form partnerships with BPJS, other Indonesian government agencies, other NGOs, social platforms and communities to be able to cover the clinic’s expenses.

When asked why he joined RCBUS, Dr. Angga answered, “I joined because the RCBUS members support each other and encourage each other to do more to help the people in Balinese communities. Sue Bishop and her husband, Ray, introduced me to about 10 Rotary Clubs in Australia and Indonesia. The good people I met in these clubs encouraged me to want to do more good things in Bali.”

What is required to become a Rotarian? First, you must be or be retired from a professional, proprietary, executive managerial or community position. Second, you must be able to demonstrate a commitment to service through personal involvement. Third, you must be able to attend meetings either in person or online. Fourth, until Covid-19 restricted travel, you had to live in the vicinity of the club you wish to join. Fifth, a member of the club you wish to join must invite you to meetings and sponsor your membership.

Membership also comes with responsibility. Members are expected to attend meetings, pay annual dues, participate in club projects, and develop personal leadership experience.

What are the benefits of joining RCBUS? You can develop friendships with people from four different continents, meet people with a cross sections of business expertise, develop leadership skills, become good citizens of the local community, stay informed on what’s happening in Bali, become more comfortable speaking publicly, have fun serving others, hone ethical standards, and when the world reopens its borders after the pandemic, be able to visit like-mined Rotarians in over 33,000 clubs in over 200 nations.

If you would interested in joining this dynamic group of people who love Bali and work to help the people who live here, information to do so can be found at http://rotarybaliubudsunset.org/how-to-become-an-rcbus-member/.

You can also find more information about our projects at http://rotarybaliubudsunset.org/club-projects/

If you are interested in donating to the Bali Sehat clinic, please find more information at https://balisehat.org/donate/.


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