Garlicky Chicken With Lemon-Anchovy Sauce

I’ve been writing Food Glorious Food for eleven years and have enjoyed working on every issue. My passion for food inspired each column. Driven to experiment with flavors and techniques, I shared my excitement with you, my readers. Sadly, this is my last recipe for Bali Advertiser. I want to thank all of you who have used my ideas and hopefully were inspired to create your own. For this last column I leave you with a fantastic chicken dish that will have your family and guests raving.



Serves 3-4



– 4 chicken thighs

salt and pepper to taste

– 10 cloves of garlic, smashed and peeled

– 1/3 cup extra-virgin olive oil

– 12 canned anchovy filets

– 4 Tbl. capers, soaked in water for 30 minutes, rinsed, and patted dry

– 2 pinches of dry chili flakes

– 2 lemons, halved

– 4 Tbl. chopped fresh parsley



Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.

Season the chicken with salt and pepper on both sides and set it aside while preparing the rest of the ingredients.

Mince two of the garlic cloves and set aside.

In a large oven proof frying pan, heat the oil over medium heat. When it’s hot add the remaining smashed garlic cloves, the anchovy fillets, capers, and the chili flakes. Stir this continually breaking up the anchovy fillets and cooking until the garlic is browned – 3-5 minutes.

Add the chicken thighs and brown 5-7 minutes each side. Place the pan in the preheated oven and cook for 20-30 minutes or until the thighs are cooked through.

When the chicken is done remove the pan from the oven and transfer the chicken to a plate. Put the skillet over a medium heat and add the minced garlic and the juice of one of the lemons. Stir and cook this for about a minute, scraping up any browned bits from the side and bottom of the pan.

Return the chicken to the pan and heat for about 30 seconds.

Transfer the chicken and all the sauce to a serving plate and squeeze the other lemon over it. Garnish with the chopped parsley.


Selamat Makan !



Ayam Dengan Bawang Putih dan Saos Ikan Teri dan Jeruk Lemon                                                                                     

Untuk 3 – 4 orang


Bahan bahan:

– 4 paha ayam

garam and merica secukupnya

– 10 siung bawang putih, kupas kulit dan hancurkan

– 1/3 cup minyak zaitun extra-virgin

– 12 fillet ikan teri dari kaleng atau botol

– 4 Tbl. capers, rendam 30 menit, dan bilas, dan keringkan

cabe kering serpih secukupnya

– 2 jeruk lemon, potong setengah

– 4 Tbl. daun parsley, dipotong sedang


Cara Membuat:

Panaskan oven sampai 350 derajat F.

Gosok ke dua sisi biji ayam dengan garam dan merica. Taruh di samping sementara siapkan bahan bahan yang lain.

Potong halus 2 siung bawang putih dan taruh di samping.

Siapkan wajan yang besar yang nantinya cukup masuk kedalam oven. Taruh wajan diatas kompor, tambahkan minyak zaitun di atas api medium. Waktu panas tambahkan sisa bawang putih yang sudah di hancurkan . Aduk dan tambah fillets ikan teri, capers, dan cabe kering. Aduk aduk trus dan hancurkan filets ikan teri sampai menjadi biji kecil dan bawang putih berwarna coklat, kira kira 3-5 menit.

Tambahkan paha ayam, masak sampai berwarna kecoklatan 5-7 menit, balik untuk masak sisi yang lain selama 5-7 menit. Angkat dan masukkan wajan kedalam oven yang sudah panas dan oven selama 20-30 menit atau sampai ayam matang.

Waktu ayam sudah matang, keluarkan wajan dari oven dan ambil ayamnya saja, taruh di piring.

Taruh wajan di atas api medium dan tambahkan sisa bawang putih yang dipotong halus, jus dari 1 lemon dan masak selama 1 menit. Aduk terus dan garuk biji kecil berwarna coklat dari wajan.

Ambil ayam dan masukkan kembali kedalam wajan dan panaskan kira kira 30 detik.

Taruh ayam dan saos ke piring meja dan hiasi dengan jus dari sisa jeruk lemon dan daun parsley.


Selamat Menikmati !