Go Fund Me

“Something4Bali2” was started by Peter and Christine Johnson late March when Covid19 reared its ugly head.

Since then we have been sourcing donations from here and all over the world to supply “Sembako” to the needy who now no longer have employment to survive and even more so to send back meagre funds to their families in their villages.

Sometimes donations are not enough and we have to put hands in our own pockets so the monthly order can be fulfilled. This of course now will be a need extending to 2021.

Currently we are feeding 225 families a month in the Nusa Dua area and special assistance to Bubugan in Tabanan and Yangapi in Bangli.

The process to receive help all be it has strict guidelines ensures the genuine people can likely receive much needed help.

We do it by ourself with no charges or fees. Just from our heart.

So how about putting your hand in your pocket and give to Something4Bali2 Go Fund Me page.

Our Go Fund Me page or Facebook page are the best to have all our news.

Our efforts are whilst Covids ugly face affects all the world Bali itself is something sadly special in its own way.

We like to see our efforts as a gift in return for all that this island has given to the world in more ways than one.

After a careful process making sure identity confirmed and the needs are genuine they receive a gift of essentials.

The gift includes 5kg rice, 1 ltr of good cooking oil, 425 gram can of Sardines, 10 packets of noodles, 400 gms of garlic and 400 gms of red onion and 2 bars of soap in a reusable carry bag.

The gift is for a month and one gift per one household. The recipients must not be working.

Live in a designated perimeter of Nusa Dua.

We do also assist a foundation in Penebel, Tabanan and a village Yangapi, Bangli.

Of course we also give to those in special circumstances and most importantly offer our help to any people not living in Bali to transfer money to people they know if in need at no cost to them. Naturally we do hope this will also prompt them to add an extra $10 aud for us to give one more bag to someone in need. Something no one else offers.

We do not charge for our services. It is from the heart.

I know this is a lot. I will let you pick and choose.

Any referrals that may be needed as to our authenticity please just ask.


Attached is our links:

Facebook. Something4Bali2

Go Fund Me https://www.gofundme.com/f/something-4-bali-2?utm_source=customer&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_campaign=p_cp+share-sheet

Pete and Chrissie Johnson Taman Mumbul.

+61473961000 (Whats App)

+6282225900900 (Local)

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