My name is Chris Sperduto also known as Helmet Man and now the proud incoming President of the Rotary Club Bali Canggu for the upcoming year starting July 1st.
This letter is to introduce the community to a great opportunity to get involved and to make a lasting difference on this wonderful Island we are lucky to call our Home.
First of all we want to introduce you to Rotary which is the LARGEST Service Club on the Planet. We have over 1.2 million members in over 33,000 Independent Clubsin over 260 Countries. Our Motto is “Service Above Self” and we are dedicated to making our world a better place both locally and globally. We also like to stress this aspect of Service by making sure we are clear that we do not have any ties to Politics, Business, or Religion. We meet for Fellowship/Friendship and to create and implement Service Projects. Period.
Our Club is connected to a powerful International Network to get things done. We are backed up by Rotary International which provides Support, Expertise, and Funding to all of its members and clubs. Rotary International is highly respected and is rated every year as one of the top service providers with the lowest ratio of expenses to giving meaning when someone donates 1 dollar they get almost 1 dollar of goods and services. But we are completely Independent to implement whatever projects we see a need to fulfill. So this is where you come in. I am asking for all the beautiful people on this island who are doing so many wonderful things to unite. Come and join us and gain access to this incredible network to help you get things done.
It is time to introduce you to our signature project that I have been passionately working on for the past 2 ½ years called Project Protect Helmet Man that we want to open up to the wider community and grow much larger. We are Educating Indonesian Families the importance of Wearing Helmets. Every year over 40,000 people die and over 300,000 are seriously injured because they are not wearing Helmets. It has been proven in many other countries that we can reduce that number by over 80% by getting people to wear Helmets and to Clip them. We have all witnessed the Mother or Father on the bikes with Children and they will wear a Helmet but the Children do not. This is to avoid a fine, not to protect themselves. So we get sponsors to buy the Helmets in exchange for their logo on the back of the Helmets and we then go to Kindergarten and 1st grade Schools and do Safety Presentations and distribute Helmets. So far we have given away over 10,000 Helmets but we are just getting started. We need your help to get this vital initiative to the next level. This is potentially 32,000 lives EVERY YEAR we could save as well as 240,000 lives that are drastically ruined. This is impact and you can be a vital part of it. WE NEED YOUR HELP.
The next challenge that we want to introduce is that we are completely INDEPENDENT meaning we can do whatever we want. So if you have a cause that you are passionate about then we can help you create change. Is it Clean Drinking Water? Better Nutrition for Children? Literacy? Child Mortality? Environmental Issues? You want to do it and we can help and will have the access to Rotary International and all its members to help get it done. We do not have to re-invent the wheel. If we have an issue here chances are it has been tackled somewhere else and we can get the resources we need to make it happen. Have you heard of BYE BYE PLASTIC BAGS? They were born out of our Club through our younger Club called Interact which operates at the High School level. So the sky is the limit but the only thing holding us back is YOU. We need YOU to get involved, we need YOU to say enough is enough and it is time to get involved. We need YOU to make the effort and turn off the Netflix and make a CHANGE. We need YOU to rally a few friends and come out and take a stand. I want less people to die every year due to ignorance about Helmets so I did Helmet Man. Do you want to see change? Now is the time and Rotary Club Bali Canggu is the place. We meet every other Tuesday at the Finns Recreation Club in Berawa at 6:30 pm but please feel free to call me directly at 081933079922, or email me directly at
We love this World, We love this Country, We Love this Island, and the greatest way to express that Gratitude is to give back to those who have less. Please take this invitation seriously and do the most powerful thing in the world, make a decision to get involved!!
There is no greater way to make yourself feel great then to help another, make that choice, make the call, become a Proud Member of Rotary Club Bali Canggu and you will always be glad you did! Thank You so much and I look forward to hearing from you soon!
Our Rotary Club meets the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month at the beautiful Hotel Tugu at the end of Jalan Batu Bolong in Canggu. Come along, join our meeting and meet the team! For any info please contact the clubsecretary
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