Horoscope April 08 – April 21, 2020

ARIES. Those Aries with birthdays between the 10th and 20th of April are in for a bigger than usual year, with these current dynamics affecting you personally and more deeply. How you navigate this transformation is always up to you, although the more willingly you go towards change and taking your role with a sense of purpose and responsibility the less painful it will be. Of course others will annoy you and you must remain true to your nature, even if this means a little healthy debate ensues and you continue to be spontaneous and unpredictable. It’s time to assess your personal values.

TAURUS.  Almost the beginning of a New Solar Year as the Sun uncharacteristically bursts into Taurus this month. You are feeling a streak of independence and an uncommon urge to be more active and proactive on the important issues in your life and affecting your community. Hidden agendas or ulterior motives could unsettle you, particularly when they come from previously trusted institutions and groups. Health concerns early in the month come to a resolve as you harness your personal power and authority by the New Moon. There’s a new sense of self being born into the World and you are excited.

GEMINI. Your creativity has been activated and you will further that this month as you dive into your subconscious and more imaginative parts of yourself. There will be a movement away from the herd as you prefer the isolation and contemplation to the discordance of the masses. Your transformation is very deep and not easy to articulate, even for you. This may change as the North Node moves into Gemini and you naturally feel the need to express yourself. It could be that a new body of study or a teacher is coming your way to expand your reality and time-line.

CANCER. There will be a shift of focus from family and home to friends and groups this month. It could be that you will join with others on some group projects and harness the power of collective resources. As your relationships transform and everyone feels the need to share their opinion, growth can take place as each in their turn adapts to the changing circumstances. You may find yourself working behind the scenes over the next year and half and quietly networking and co-ordinating from the more subtle realms. As a natural intuitive it is easier for you this way.

LEO. Although the beginning of the month brought with it, some unsettled emotions and a lot of conflicting information you will begin to settle into a routine that is both financially and emotionally rewarding by the later part. Your health and daily routine was in much need of transformation and no doubt with the recent commitment within your primary relationship you’ve become active in a new and exciting way. With the New Moon business or work opportunities are sure to come your way and probably from an unexpected or unusual source. It’s time to come out and share your skills and talents.

VIRGO. You’ve been fighting a tough battle of late and soon there will be light at the end of the tunnel as you are brought to a higher level of functioning in the World and bringing those you interact with to that same level of performance. It’s because you care, that you do what you do and as you go through this magnificent transformation and rebirth with a new and improved self identity, others may feel threatened. No need to take this personally, it’s all a part of the process. Elevate yourself through the new model and soon this discordance will end.

LIBRA. Full Moon in your sign at the beginning April brought some light to your personal needs as opposed to those of the significant other. As you transform early life imprints and patterns you may experience some conflict, but let this not deter you. Arguments can be a good way to clear the air and make way for the next cycle of yes you got it, even deeper transformation. You are shedding layers now and as you do life becomes more exciting in these most challenging of times. Soon you’ll be moving away from a focus on vocation to one of higher learning.

SCORPIO. Communication and movement, are your two main focuses. Even at the behest of others, you will do what you want, when you want and how you want. At least for now. You may succumb to the needs of the family by the time the New Moon comes around as there is much to be gained by taking personal responsibility in co-operation with others, particularly those in your care. These coming months will bring more detailed and concise work for you, deeply engaging your mental faculties. Past talents and skills are resurfacing at the soul level.

SAGITARIUS. Finally you’ve opened into the next level of understanding and as it continues to unfold you will be able to act on your new or modified beliefs. This may mean a restructuring of your day to day routine or the work that you do. It could be a need for grounding on a practical and bodily sense. Because you are one who is more apt to tell the truth, as you see it, conflict of opinion is no stranger to you and so the current rebellious environment isn’t too uncomfortable. Relationship is going to be your main focus over the next 18 months.

CAPRICORN. There is continuing tension for those with late degrees of Capricorn in their birth chart and particularly at the trigger points, like the Full Moon at the beginning of the month and then by Mercury and the Sun at mid to later month. Conflicted points of view bring argumentative relationships and particularly with family members. You may want to reconsider what you’ve always regarded as the stock standard truth and modify your stance a little. It’s time to get creative and allow a new self image to emerge. There’s a new routine or new work about to begin.

AQUARIUS. Saturn is the co-ruler of Aquarius and with that you will be feeling guided to take on a new role in your daily life. It’s time to take action or at least the first steps in the current project. You will get to reassess things during the year, but this is the introduction into a new 29/30 year cycle which will see you at the forefront of current global changes. Some will do it through media and communication, while others are a little more tactile with hands in the literal dirt. Your transformation lays beneath the surface and felt in the recesses of your own isolation.

PISCES. Your mission now is bring through the unseen realms or higher dimensional information to ground new ideas and visionary impulses. The global community is your home and with the aid of technology it is easy for you to traverse it’s multi-faceted realms. Although others may wish to hold onto their old beliefs or projections on the World, there is no reason for you to perpetuate the storyline. Your thinking is inspired now, so let it flow through you and soon it will be time to share it with your family, large and small. Multi-tasking is the name of the game.


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This article was written by Ratih

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