July 03, 2019

Festival Tepi Sawah – 6 and 7 July

Bamboo Structure Workshop – 8 to 10 July

Asali Bali, a large scale bamboo structures and commercial construction company in Blah Batuh, Gianyar is putting on an intensive 3-day workshop on artisan bamboo craft, bamboo construction techniques, principles of construction, opportunities and constraints of bamboo as a building material. The workshop content can easily be tailored to your individual technical requirements, whether you have a project in mind, or simply wish to learn the general principles when building with this fascinating construction material. The Workshop venue is located in their bamboo factory where artisan craftsmen and bamboo preservation techniques can be observed, with additional site visits to view completed projects and visits to local bamboo furniture and craft studios.

When : Monday – Wednesday 8 to 10 July from 09:00 am – 05:00 pm
Where : Asali Bali, Jl. Padat Karya, Belega, Blah Batuh, Gianyar
More Info : For pricing and details call Olivia at +62 (0) 811388 643 or check http://www.asalibali.com/

Balinese Healers and Healing – 9 to 13 July

Made Surya, one of the top authorities on traditional medicine and healing, will be conducting a 5 day intensive workshop in Ubud. Sessions include morning seminars on topics like introduction to Bali Hinduism and its relationship to traditional healing, types of healers, traditional Balinese medical literature, mystical aspects of the practice, the four spiritual Siblings (Kanda Empat), the magic of the Left versus the Right, love potions, black magic, the concept of Cakra’s, and misconceptions of Tantra. Field trips include a ritual purification at Tirta Empul, Tampaksiring, an excursion to the Peliatan market and talk about foods with medicinal properties, an herb walk in neighboring area, an afternoon making herbal medicine, and a meeting with a guest speaker from the Udayana University Medical Dept. on comparing traditional healing with western medicine, and visits with three traditional healers to observe their work. The workshop can also be joined on a day by day basis, but enrolment is limited. For further information check www.balihealers.com, or danu@earthlink.net.

Classical Concert at The Padma Legian – 13 July

Makepung Bull Races – 14 July and every 2nd Sunday

The bull races in Jembrana kick off on Sunday 14 July with the first race of the season and will continue every fortnight until November at various locations around the region. Races start at 7.30am. Location and exact dates of each race are not available at press time.

Bali Blues Festival – 13 and 14 July

The Bali Blues Festival at Peninsula Island in Nusa Dua is returning for the 5th time and will be the scene of some amazing sounds. The line-up of musicians slated to perform include Gugun Blues Shelter, Emmy Tobing, Endah N Rhesa, Nosstress, Made Mawut, Balawan & Maxell Reunion, Bali Blues Brother, Suradipa & Gus Teja, Glambeer, The Bardogs, Crazy Horse ft. Joni Agung, The Ratrocker, Blues Community and others. For complete info and to book tickets check www.balibluesfestival.com.

These events are still ongoing

Nusa Dua Light Festival – Now to 14 July at Peninsula Island. For more information visit https://www.itdc.co.id/the-nusa-dua/event/

Bali Arts Festival – Now to 15 July at the Taman Werdhi Budaya Arts Centre in Denpasar. Check www.baliartsfestival.com or +62 361 222 387.

The Great 50 Show – Now to 25 August. The Oriental Circus of Indonesia presents 2 daily shows at 4:00 pm and 7:00 pm at No 1 Sunset Road, across from the Golden Tulip Jineng Hotel. Info at www.thegreat50show.com

By Ines Wynn
Send email to:
indorat2@gmail.com to list an upcoming event.
Copyright © Bali Advertiser 2019

This article was written by Ratih

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