July 18, 2018


So, how about YOU ? Do YOU care about it?
YOU do?! YOU are already taking action?! WOW!
What about meeting other clean ocean defenders and being part of our Waterman’s
Awards Night?
Sounds great, doesn’t it? Alright, get YOUR tickets and enjoy an entertaining rewarding night
with us on the 24th August 2018!

But first let me tell you a bit more about the event and us:

The whole event is part of R.O.L.E. Foundation’s awareness campaign to highlight the need for clean oceans, reefs, rivers and beaches as part of healthy marine ecosystems, because we really care about ecology and our lovely planet. But, we know that this entire mission is not only a one-man or one-woman show: If we really want to make a change we need to collaborate and fight together, even if it is hard, exhausting and intense. To reward your achievements, your eco spirit and love for our oceans we want celebrate our awards night with you. We are acknowledging clean ocean defenders, sustainable island and coastal community champions and last but not least Watermen and Waterwomen who are role models and mentors for Bali’s children and youth.

Besides tapas and drinks the night will be full of entertainment and appreciation for our Eco Warriors: Watermen Awards, Waterwomen Awards, Clean Ocean Diveathon, Viral Video Competition, Humanitarian Awards, Timeless Photo Art, Sports & Youth Awards! Furthermore we set up an online auction with amazing prizes that are going to indulge you in any activity you heart desires! Our faithful partners and sponsors are giving us the chance to
realize and organize our awards night.


Don’t hesitate and get your tickets for the event and support the construction of our Community Environment & Skills Center and our projects with your ticket fee for an amount of IDR. 450.000/PAX. Waterman’s Awards Night Tickets include drinks and snacks during the event.

All money raised through your tickets will help us pushing our projects to the next level, so many thanks in advance!

Now you want to know who we are and what kind of projects we are currently running? That’s easy! Our foundation is called R.O.L.E. Foundation and we really care about ecology, education and empowerment! R.O.L.E. was founded in 2007 to stop land-based waste from getting into the oceans and to support the creation of sustainable jobs for people living in
coastal communities. The vision has always been to develop educational training to increase skills, environmental sustainability and reduce poverty. Our dream of having clean oceans and sustainable businesses for a healthy environment with ZERO WASTE is our engine that keeps us running.

Therefore, R.O.L.E Foundation tries to grow children and local communities into “ZERO WASTE” believers and teaches them how to take action. It is committed to inspiring the local government to include recycling and upcycling into their procedures. It is challenging to create sustainable job opportunities without affecting the environment. However, we built our own Community Environment & Skills Center to have a suitable surrounding for our educational programs, plant nursery, soap recycling and beach clean-up trainings. Recently locals and over 30 like-minded organizations in Bali were invited to take part in the second-annual “Zero Waste to the Oceans Conference” to discuss the environmental emergency of plastic waste flooding the ocean and find solutions and on the 24th August 2018 we are hosting our Waterman’s Awards Night there.

Waterman’s Awards Nights in the past years were always full of entertainment, rewards and eco spirit. Let us acknowledge achievements of individuals, NGOs or businesses who support and took real action in facing our massive waste issues that overcome Bali. Network with other Watermen and Waterwomen or find out how to become a future Eco Warrior by getting new inspiration from our award winners. Take action and move on cleaning up our oceans and environment! Together we can really make a change! All of us know that environmental saviors need long breaths and strong minds. And of course we are all aware how hard it can be to make the first move and how long it takes to see small progress – But it’s totally worth it! Charge your inner batteries during Waterman’s Awards Night on the 24th August 2018! Celebrate with us to gain new power for your next action!

Be part of it – Clear up your schedule and book your tickets now by contacting Rama at media@rolefoundation.org

We are looking forward to hosting you at our Community Environment & Skills Center – See you soon!

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