Living the Senior Life in Bali

Since there are few resources or media in Bali that cater to the Boomer generation, it seems like a smashing idea to dedicate a regular column to this segment of Bali’s expat community that is growing ever larger by the year. Many Boomers are retiring to Bali for very obvious reasons like the balmy climate, the cheerful and welcoming disposition of the local population, the availability of coveted amenities and services and the preponderance of the modern day equivalents of the baker, butcher and candlestick maker. Other attractive elements that draw us here are the exotic culture, the natural attractions, the yoga havens and the palpable spiritual vortex of the place. Boomers and retired expats already make up a sizeable block of Bali’s expat community and that creates a need for a platform that can function as a focal point for sharing practical information about retired life here. The Boomer Corner is to be a column about issues and concerns that touch upon senior life in Bali and you will find a myriad of topics handled and discussed in this space.

To make it even more of a level playing field and cover as many bases as possible, it was decided to present viewpoints from different people, male and female, with varying opinions, origins, backgrounds, experiences and interests. Ergo, this blog will be penned by a team of rotating authors. All of us are Boomers, originating from countries with their very own retirement peculiarities. We are long-term expats living the still working or retired Boomer life and we aim to cover a variety of topics relating to senior life in Bali, growing older with its attendant issues, expat concerns, etc. Some of us have a certain niche we feel comfortable with, like health insurance, geriatric health care, maintaining poise and grace while growing older, legal and technical matters pertaining to retirement, etc. Others have interests that are rather eclectic and far-ranging. But whatever angle we’re coming from, you’ll be sure to find something to your liking and worthy of your interest. What’s more, we are also inviting participation on the part of our readers so you can contact us with topic suggestions relating to our subject matter and mandate at the email address noted below. We want this to be a platform that deals with issues you care about; a place where you find useful information, a spot to pull together all info relevant to aging Boomers. This, in a nutshell is our mission.

The topics we intend to cover will extend over many areas and subjects. So far we have identified a list that will undoubtedly grow as we explore the many nooks and crannies of what it means to live a Boomer life in Bali. Here is a sampling of what you may see covered in future columns:

  • Heath care and physical well-being as we grow older
  • Living/coping with disabilities and chronic conditions
  • Retirement communities in Bali
  • Focusing on the most important things at an advancing age
  • Social and other important resources for aging expats
  • Fear of dying
  • Dealing with the mechanics of dying, burial or cremation, repatriation of remains
  • Importance of wills, living will, last rites and instructions
  • Dealing with local staff
  • Villa/property care & maintenance
  • Finding reliable and quality contractors and ‘tukangs’
  • Voting & taxes
  • Financial survival & money matters
  • Visa & option/desirability of citizenship
  • Relationships with the ‘old’ country, relatives & friends
  • Dealing with local culture, politics
  • Language issues
  • Personal essays on our experiences
  • Finding kindred groups or buddies to practice yoga, dance, play chess, read books, knit or go sailing.
  • Continuing to work rather than retire.
  • Etc. Etc.

We hope you like our ideas and will help us spice up our blog with your suggestions, opinions and experiences. While our mandate is to cover topics relating to Boomer life in Bali, we realise that the very act of living here will engender the inevitable bumps and scrapes that accompany a life in a country that is not our own, with its many idiosyncrasies, inevitable misunderstandings and shortcomings. While we will help where we can, we don’t have the resources to address all your practical problems or legal issues; neither can we function as an ombudsman service. But we will try and cover a broad spectrum of topics so that most of the puzzle pieces about Boomer life in Bali will fall into place. So read on and come along with us on an exciting voyage of discovery. For starters the next few blogs of the Boomer Corner will deal with affordable medical insurance options for foreign seniors, caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s disease, memory issues versus the normal aging process, and how to stay fit and supple in a mature body.

As one of my centenarian relatives told me once, growing old is nothing. It’s being old that’s the challenge. Since we all probably want to live out our twilight years in the most pleasant and stress-free way possible, we hope that with this dedicated Boomer Corner, we can help make the challenges of growing older just a wee bit less onerous.


The Boomer Corner is a column dedicated to people over 60 living in Bali. Its mandate is to cover topics, practicalities, activities, issues, concerns and events related to senior life in Bali.

We welcome suggestions from readers. Email us at



Copyright © 2018 Boomer Corner

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