We had a block of Dijon’s marzipan in the freezer for what seemed an eternity. I thought I‘d use it for a strawberry tart. Then I came across the recipe that inspired this one. These brownies are a delicious departure from traditional ones. The next time we baked them, we made our own marzipan. It’s so easy and makes enough for several batches of these babies.
Makes about 24 brownies
– 3/4 cup butter
– 1 cup dark chocolate chunks, just cut a block of chocolate with a sharp knife into various shaped medium sized chunks or use a cup of dark chocolate chips
– 1/2 cup palm sugar, grated
– 1/2 cup castor sugar, or lightly grind regular granulated Indonesian sugar in a spice grinder
– 2 large eggs
– 1 Tbl. vanilla extract
– 1 1/2 cup white flour
– 1 tsp. baking powder
– 1/2 tsp. salt
– 130 g marzipan or almond paste, cut into ½ cm x ½ cm squares (see recipe below)
– 1 cup cashews or almonds, toasted
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Butter a glass or metal baking pan 20 cm x 20cm and line with baking paper.
Put the butter and ¼ cup of the chocolate pieces in a small pot. Heat it slowly until the chocolate melts. Stir well and remove from the heat. Let it cool a bit. Then add the two sugars and stir with a whisk until well incorporated.
Now add the eggs one by one, whisking well after each addition. Add the vanilla extract and whisk again.
Add the flour, baking powder, and the salt. Stir until just mixed, being careful not to over mix. Stir in the marzipan, nuts, and the remaining chocolate.
Put the batter into the prepared pan and bake in the preheated oven for about 30 minutes or until it is a little golden brown but the middle is still soft. Set aside to cool completely before cutting into bars or squares. Store in an airtight container.
Enjoy the brownies!
Homemade Marzipan
– 1 1/2 cups finely ground almonds
– 1 1/2 cups powdered sugar
– 2 tsp almond extract
– 1 egg white, slightly beaten
Put the ground almonds and the powdered sugar into a food processor. Pulse several times until it is an even mixture. Sprinkle in 2 tsp. almond extract and turn the processor on again until the extract is evenly distributed.
Add the egg white and process again. It should form a ball at this point. If it’s too sticky add 1 Tbl. more of ground almonds.
Form into four cylinders or patties and wrap tightly in cling warp. Store in the fridge until ready to use. Any left over after making the brownies can be stored in the freezer for months.
Kue Coklat Marzipan
Untuk 24 irisan
Bahan bahan:
– 3/4 cangkir mentega
– 1 cangkir coklat gelap, coklat batangan, dipotong menjadi beberapa potongan yang lebih kecil atau bisa pakai coklat chips
– 1/2 cangkir gula bali, diparut
– 1/2 cangkir gula castor, atau bisa pakai gula pasir, tapi harus digiling sebentar supaya lebih halus.
– 2 telur besar
– 1 Tbl. vanila cair
– 1 1/2 cangkir tepung terigu
– 1 tsp. bubuk baking (baking powder)
– 1/2 tsp. garam
– 130 gr. pasta kacang almond (marzipan) – dipotong kotak ½ cm x ½ cm (resep bisa dilihat dibawah ini)
– 1 cangkir kacang mente atau kacang almond yang sudah dipanggang
Cara Membuat:
Panaskan oven 350 derajat F. Olesi cetakan 20 cm x 20 cm dengan mentega dan taruh kertas baking di dalam.
Taruh mentega dan ¼ cangkir cocklat di dalam panci kecil. Panaskan pelan pelan sampai coklat mencair. Aduk bagus, dan keluar dari api. Biar dingin sedikit. Kemudian tambahkan ke dua gula dan aduk, gunakan wisk sampai rata.
Tambahkan telur satu per satu dan aduk dengan wisk sampai rata. Masukkan vanila dan aduk lagi sampai rata.
Sekarang tambah tepung, baking powder dan garam. Aduk sebentar saja sampai semua bahan tercampur rata. Jangan aduk terlalu banyak. Tambahkan pasta almond, kacang mente, sisa coklat dan aduk.
Masukkan kedalam cetakan dan taruh cetakan di dalam oven selama 30 menit atau sampai sedikit berwarna coklat, tapi masih lemas di tengah. Dinginkan dahulu sebelum dipotong.
Nikmati kue!
Pasta Kacang Almond (Marzipan) Buatan Sendiri
Cukup untuk 4 recep brownies
Bahan bahan:
– 1 1/2 cangkir bubuk kacang almond
– 1 1/2 cangkir bubuk gula
– 1-2 tsp ekstrak almond
– 1 putih telur, aduk sebentar
Cara Membuat:
Taruh tepung almond dan bubuk gula di dalam procesor makanan. Hidupkan procesor berberapa kali sampai adonan tepung dan gula tercampur rata.
Tambahkan 2 tsp. ekstrak almond dan hidupkan procesor lagi sampai rata.
Masukkan putih telur dan hidupkan prosesor selama 2 menit. Campuran akan membentuk bola. Kalau terlalu lengket tambahkan lagi 1 Tbl. tepung almond.
Bungkus ketat dengan plastik wrap dan taruh di dalam kulkas.
Ambil 130gr untuk bikin kue coklat marzipan dan sisanya bisa simpan di freezer.