Celebrating 10 years!!!

Recently I wrote as our 10th anniversary was approaching and our members decided not to spend money on an eating and drinking extravaganza!

Instead we wanted to give back to the people of Bali whose home we are blessed to live in.

You may remember the way we were going to do this was by sponsoring The John Fawcett Foundation for a 2 day eye clinic.

I will not repeat the information on JFF but suffice to say they provide an amazing service to the people of Bali , living in remote areas who would not otherwise be able to access eye care. They are a very professional team of workers who check eye sight, glaucoma testing, cataract testing. Whatever is needed is dispensed, be it glasses, medication or cataract surgery! This is carried out in their mobile surgeries and the following day their dressings are removed and checked. If a second eye surgery is needed it is organised to take them to Sanur for this.

Of course it may be free for the people of Bali but there are many costs involved for the Foundation. So sponsorship is usually the way to go!!

Our Rotary club decided this was how we were going to celebrate our 10th Anniversary and so funding for the 2 day Eye clinic to held in Banjar Selat Desa Buahan Kaja Kecamatan, Payangan , Gianyar was negotiated.

Dates were set at 26th and 27th July, banners were made and displayed in all the 8 Banjars of the area with a total of 4,320 citizens!

So now the day approaches, and using our trusty “Google maps” we set off to find the location!!

The JFF arrive very early in the morning at the venue, setting up their “clinic” in the designated area, the generator running for the mobile surgery. Members of Rotary Club Bali Ubud Sunset, as well as some members of the Roteracts of Ubud. Roteracts are the 18-30 age group who do amazing work with children and various projects, their funding coming from the Rotary club of their area.

The 2 Roteracts who were able to attend( it was a weekday) organised and registered the people as they arrived. The registration slips were   then passed to 2 of our Rotarians, (invaluable in speaking the language,), who called the people in order to come forward for their eye testing. This system worked very well, so everyone was taken in order of arriving. Other Rotarians made tea/coffee for the JFF team and distributed this along with local food snacks, and later all the JFF team plus volunteers received a lunch box.

Those requiring surgery were given special tags to wear and prepared as necessary.

So to some figures – 397 people were screened; 8 cataract surgeries performed, 5 requiring both eyes, 269 pairs of glasses dispensed and 120 received medication.

On the second day, those who had cataract surgery had the dressings removed and the eye checked, instructions were given on what they should do.

Following this the team went to 2 elementary schools in the area.

The first was SDN 1 at Buahan where 169 students were screened, and the second was SDN2 Buahan where 87 students were screened.

Checking children at an early age can prevent eye problems later in life and can also help with their general health, as any defects can hinder progress especially in school. 1 year 6 girl requires cataracts to be removed from both eyes. This is not done in the mobile unit but in Sanur in the clinic as she will be given an anaesthetic. Transport will be arranged for her to travel to Sanur. 5 children required glasses and 4 teachers were dispensed glasses.

As well as the John Fawcett Foundation Healthy Day sponsorship the club also agreed to help a family whose baby required intense cleft palate surgery. There are many other Rotary clubs, NGOs all helping in the care and sponsorship of children requiring surgery of one kind and another. Unlike many expats who have had the experience of free health care most of their lives this does not occur here in Bali. In this particular case, the baby: I Komang Pasek Widiya Arta, from the village of Apuan Kelod Susut, Bangli ; his family was assisted by both Rotary Club Bali Ubud Sunset and Yayasan Senyum Denpasar in providing the cost of the operation, transportation and meals.

Our Rotary club in Ubud, is small, very friendly, multicultural and very active!!

Our yearly fund raiser plus any donations are all used in providing fresh water, education and health care to as many as possible!!

This is year, will be our 5th Annual Christmas Fundraising Dinner. It will be held on 9th December at the 5 star Maya Resort and Spa in Ubud. A full Christmas buffet is provided by the resort, along with the beautiful setting both inside and outside! Amazing raffle prizes and silent auction prizes are donated by many hotels, businesses and individuals! The festivities start at 5.30 pm with a free drink included in the ticket price plus canapes.For more information on this great night including entertainment please contact:

If you feel you too would like to help, and join a dedicated group, not many hours required and we meet just twice a month in Ubud, the above contact address will provide further information.

There is always a welcoming smile awaiting you! From either the members themselves or the beautiful people we try and help!!!


Written by Renee Heaton, member Rotary Club Bali Ubud Sunset

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