Rotary Club Bali Ubud Sunset Inducts Its Newest Member

On Monday, 29 November 2021, Rotary Club Bali Ubud Sunset [RCBUS] inducted its newest member, Dr. Tania Setiadi. She is sponsored by Marion Hook, current member of RCBUS. Dr. Tania is a general practitioner who has always had profound interest in brain ageing. She obtained her medical doctor degree in 2005, and Master of Biomedical Science (majoring in anti-ageing medicine) from Udayana University, Bali, Indonesia in 2014. In 2016, she continued her doctoral studies in the Department of BSCS, UMCG – University of Groningen, The Netherlands. The main focus of her research is behavior and cognitive changes in Mild Cognitive Impairment. For more than 10 years, she has been active in various volunteer activities including health education and breast cancer awareness in the islands within eastern Indonesia. Research & Science Coordinator. She resides in Bali where she works as a medical doctor and manager of HoviAssisted, a senior care facility at Kasih Ibu Saba.

RCBUS also welcomed T. Patrick van Kampen PhD, Charter President of Rotary Club of Seminyak Bali as a guest at our meeting. He is a champion of education.

RCBUS, along with Rotary International [RI], is also a champion of education. Why? Because more than 775 million people over the age of 15 are illiterate. That’s 17 percent of the world’s adult population. RI’s goal is to strengthen the capacity of communities to support basic education and literacy, reduce gender disparity in education, and increase adult literacy. We support education for all children and literacy for children and adults. We also support higher education.

Are you aware that The Rotary Foundation and individual clubs invest in our future leaders and philanthropists by funding scholarships for undergraduate and graduate study? There are several types of scholarships available.

First, Rotary clubs offer scholarships for secondary, undergraduate, or graduate study. Rotary club scholarships are given by individual clubs and are open to anyone except Rotary members and their families. Anyone interested can contact a local club for application information and eligibility requirements.

Second, The Rotary Foundation offers scholarships for college graduates and professionals to study peace and conflict resolution. Rotary peace fellowships are available to candidates who want to participate in a master’s degree or certificate program at one of our seven partner universities. Those centers are in the following locations: Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA; Tokyo, Japan; Bradford, England; Brisbane, Australia; Uppsala, Sweden; Bangkok, Thailand; and Kampala, Uganda. Click here for more information.

 Rotary clubs can apply to The Rotary Foundation for district and global grants to support scholarships. Global grants are for graduate students studying abroad in one of Rotary’s seven causes: promoting peace; fighting disease; providing clean water, sanitation, and hygiene; preserving maternal and child health; supporting education; supporting the environment and growing local economies.

Such scholarships last from one to four years and can include an entire degree program. Global grant scholarships are funded using cash or Rotary District Designated Funds matched by the Rotary World Fund. District grants can be used to sponsor secondary school, undergraduate, or graduate students studying any subject, either locally or abroad. The scholarship may cover any length of time, from a six-week language training program to a year or more of university study.

Rotary members are essential to recruiting qualified candidates for Rotary Peace Fellowships. We can advance peace in troubled areas around the world by promoting peace fellowships and supporting peace fellow candidates through the application process.

Are you interested in becoming involved with education projects but feel that membership in RCBUS is not appropriate for you right now? You can volunteer to work on Rotary projects without becoming a member of Rotary. Rotary International states, “You can volunteer to help the Rotary club in one of its initiatives, without becoming a Rotary member. Increasingly clubs are looking at adding value to their community volunteers by forming Rotary Community Corps groups that give added value to its members without the obligations of Rotary membership.”

If you are considering joining RCBUS or one of our many humanitarian projects as a volunteer and would like to attend a meeting to see what we are all about, please contact Marion Hook at for more information. We meet every 2nd and last Monday of the month. Meetings begin at 6 pm. Our new website is currently under construction. You will be able to read more about RCBUS on our new website shortly.


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