We are celebrating – 10 years!!!

But no big food and drink and fund raising


Our members have decided to give back to this beautiful island and its people, many who live on the very edge of poverty with no chance of ever being able to afford eye care – something we all cherish – eyesight!!

How are we doing that? We are sponsoring a 2 day healthy eye clinic run by the John Fawcett Foundation!

Don’t know anything about them? Well just a few basic facts about this amazing foundation.

The late John Fawcett( passed away in 2017) , from Perth Australia. After moving to Bali in 1983, worked with Rotary Australia and Rotary International, establishing a cleft palate programme then in 1991 a mobile eye clinic.

Over the years, staff were trained, vehicles purchased so cataract surgery could be carried out anywhere! Now they travel all over Bali, sometimes to villages so remote you would never think a mobile eye clinic van could climb the steep terrain! They give free assistance to people of all religious/political and ethnic groups.

They test eye sight; glaucoma testing and cataract testing. Free glasses are dispensed as well as medictaion; and if needed cataract removal. Often the healthy eye days are held over 2 days as follow up is required day after cataract surgery!

Ok, so now you know all about them!

We are sponsoring them on July 26th and 27th at Banjar Selat Desa Buahan Kaja, Kecamatan, Payangan, Gianyar. This area is comprised of 8 banjars – Selat, Majangan, Sriteja, Tengipis, Bada, Singeperang, Tata and Pausan, with a total of 4,320 citizens!!!

Banners will be erected at each banjar informing the people where to come and find the team set up.

If you would like to witness the amazing work the team does, please feel free to attend, any time after 8 am!! You will be made most welcome by our Rotarians and the JFF team!

Following the event, we will publish pictures, of very happy faces, seeing again!! Also numbers treated, surgery carried out, and an acocunt of the 2 days.

For more information : http/rotarybaliubudsunset.Org/

Written by Renee Heaton, member Rotary Club Bali Ubud Sunset.


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