All articles about 2014

Nutrient Soup Sea Minerals

Nutrient Soup Sea Minerals For thousands of years humans have utilised the minerals and vegetable products of the sea for both food and fertiliser Now well documented research has shown that seawater can have profound effects on both plant and animal life as long as sodium chloride is not over applied Dr Maynard was one of the early pioneers of using sea minerals for fertiliser also known as seawater agriculture He began his lifelong research in sea energy agriculture in 1936 His goal was to replicate the perfect chemistry of the ocean and return it back into the depleted soils He felt this was the key to proper nutrition a stronger immune system and a healthier life Dr Murray often wondered why landbased animals suffered from so many forms of chronic disease while sea animals generally enjoyed vigorous health Murray theorized that the apparent difference in disease resist

Spiced Nuts

Against the background of Javanese culture and the fading power of Japanese occupiers Java in a Time of Revolution explores the origins of revolutionary youth groups the military and political parties with remarkable scope and in scrupulous detail First published in 1972 by Cornell University Press this classic was brought back to life by Equinox Publishing kicking off the publishers Classic Indonesia series in 2007

ldquoEater eaterrdquo

ldquoEater eaterrdquo The sky was emptying its bladder and Eric Erectus was out hunting with his club As he entered a clearing he noticed a person a female He gave her a persuasive tap with his club and grabbing her by the hair dragged her back to his cave When he got home he threw a few logs on the fire adjusted the bone in his nose and sat pondering his catch He was confused Hed heard about females but had no idea what on earth you were supposed to do with them She looked very edible but his hunger pangs were overridden by a strange feeling stirring in his loins it meant nothing he had never heard of a loin and wouldnt have known one if he tripped over it She was covered in thick clods of mud gathered during her unceremonious hairborne trip through a bog so Eric thought he

December 24 2014

The Whistle BlowerIn this gritty movie inspired by true events an American female police officer takes on a job with a private contractor as a peacekeeper in the postwar torn Balkans There she is made head of Gender Affairs and through her work with women she stumbles upon a lsquowhite slave racket in which innocent young girls are viciously forced into prostitution Director Larysa Kondracki makes a strong movie and Oscar Winner Rachel Weisz as the peacekeeper also performs strongly In addition Rachel gets superb support from Monica Bellucci and Vanessa Redgrave as two ineffectual diplomats

How great are Dual Monitors

How great are Dual Monitors Dual Monitors Good Reasons to Upgrade If youve ever wished for a bigger computer screen heres an even better idea Use a dual monitor or multi monitor setup to extend your desktop across two or more screens Both Windows and Mac computers have the ability to simulate one BIG screen using a dual or multi monitor configuration Adding a second monitor will be cheaper than upgrading to a supersize screen and there are other advantages too Ive used two monitors on my PC for many years My system has 19 inch AND 13 inch flatpanel monitors and I love it I set both monitors on my desk side by side and a bit of software magic creates the illusion of one giant screen I can open a website on one screen and a word processor on the other then copy and paste from one screen to another I can even open a spreadsheet and stretch it across the full width of both screens if I want Personally I find tha


Fragrance Nowadays we are more likely to treat fragrance as an accessory changing our perfume daily or even more often to suit our busy lives and shifting moods Perfume is a scented liquid worn on the skin to impart a pleasant odor Deciding on a signature scent comes down to personal preference but it can still take time and too much choice can lead to confusion There are several types of perfume that we can choose according to its strengths This is in essence a breakdown on the differences among perfume oil eau de toilette eau de parfum cologne body spray etc Fragrances are priced according to their essential oil and alcohol content The higher concentration of essential oils the more expensive the perfume will be 1 Perfume oils are highly concentrated and up to ten times more concentrated than departme

December 10 2014

December 10 2014 Digital Afterlives What happens to your social media accounts after you die Even if you are healthy now making provisions for your social media accounts after your death is a good idea and will spare family the additional burden of having to decide what to do with your accounts once youre goneChoose the person you want to look after your accounts when youre no longer around a family member a friend or an executor of your estate Let them know in advance your plans ndash if you want your accounts deactivated or the data ie photos downloaded and kept The best advice is to provide a list of usernames and passwords for your accounts with clear instructions which accounts you want deactivated or data kept Most social media accounts protect a users privacy even if they are deceased Often the accounts of someone who has d

Womens Wellness

Womens Wellness Recently I attended the A4M American Academy of Antiaging Medicine conference in Nusa Dua for three days covering the topic of womens wellness with doctors from Indonesia India Singapore and Malaysia in attendance I was virtually the only non medical attendee and learned much from these professionals The key speaker for the first two days was Dr Shabnam Das Kar MD FAARFM a specialist in Antiaging Regenerative and Functional Medicine from Mumbai India In Regenerative and Functional Medicine doctors look at addressing the actual causes of disease rather than treat only the symptoms make a treatment plan that is personalised to the individual The main topics were antiaging strategies for aging gracefully by counteracting the effects of aging and the natural decline of hormones in women I

Detoxification – Taking the Easy Way Out

Detoxification ndash Taking the Easy Way Out Everyday our bodies are under assault living as we do in an era of relentless toxic exposure from heavy metals plastics pesticides and additives or processes of one kind or another to our foods leading all too often to obesity and chronic ill health Small wonder then if after 30 years or so of toxic overload so many of us succumb to the great debilitating diseases of our age heart attack cancer and diabetes Various means of minimizing or lowering this toxic load are possible and the good news is that that they dont necessarily have to be unpleasantly radical Fasting for instance is supremely effective In fact it is the only true cure for all diseases The trouble with that is that it only works when you dont eat So while you may not die of cancer you will die of starvation Colonic irrigation liver purges and stringent diets can and do work if properly applied but these are n

December 10 2014

December 10 2014Salad Days Hold the Mayoh We were surprised recently to read that Royal Pita Maha one among many resort hotels at Ubud was ldquoquite literally out of this worldrdquo News of this galactic shift had hitherto eluded us Fortunately it turned out not to be true We made urgent inquiries and were able to satisfy ourselves that the establishment remained on terra firma Moreover it was still located up the hill from the lovely Pita Maha Resort and Spa where we stayed a couple of times years ago in the days before there was a Royal Pita Maha when we were holidaying in Bali as payyourownway tourists The source of the easily disproved theory that Royal Pita Maha had moved to Pluto or some other planet was someone called Lisa Mayoh who wrote a puerile puff piece that appeared in Rupert Murdochs little asteroid belt of cyberpapers which litter Virtual Australia The version we saw courtesy of the dyspeptic blogger Vyt

Doing Well by Doing GoodThe Nevhouse CompanyBy Ines Wynn

Doing Well by Doing GoodThe Nevhouse CompanyBy Ines Wynn Nevhouse Company calls itself a philantrocapitalist organization This concept in essence means that any forprofit business venture can opt to earmark a certain percentage of profit from their business to benefit the philanthropic goals of their choice The term philanthrocapitalism was coined by economists Matthew Bishop and Michael Green who coauthored a book How the Rich Can Save the World published in 2008 Its premise is that the profit motive can be harnessed to achieve social good The entrepreneurial skills of successful capitalists can be applied directly to help solve the worlds most pressing challenges the fight against poverty disease unequal wealth distribution etc Business billionaires like Ford Rockefeller and Bill Gates have traditionally set aside a portion of their wealth to establish charitable foundations whose many projects aim to imp

Nurturing Your Childs Emotional Development

Nurturing Your Childs Emotional Development Being a mother of two boys age 17 and 9 I have spent the last 17 years searching for ways that I can nurture my sons emotional development so that they can express their feelings authentically and have a strong sense of self This hasnt been an easy task for me as there is so much social pressure for boys to be tough and never show any vulnerability On occasion Ive heard my own husband say to our son ldquoDont cry Youre being weak if you cryrdquo This is what he was told as a boy and how he was nurtured to become the man he is today but what if his parents could have done things differently What would happen if we nurtured our children so that they could grow up to be sensitive and caring people who regularly performed acts of kindness The old paradigm of the tough guy is no longer the ideal that society expects boys to become Our world is rapidly changing and

An Economy of Words – Learning to listen to others By Sarita Newson

An Economy of Words ndash Learning to listen to othersBy Sarita Newson ldquoPoets are the economists of words carving a fortune of meaning out of a frugality of wordsrdquo This was the introduction to an Ubud Writers Readers Festival discussion on the 3rd October 2014 led by a group of young poets who ldquoprune big stories down to size using the fine art of poetryrdquo I was happy to soak up the aspirations and inspiring influences words and thoughts of the five poets contributing to this session In spite of their radically different backgrounds their words spoke of their mutual love of language and an awareness of the importance of selfexpression in people of all ages Carlos Andrs Gmez chaired the session and encouraged interaction soliciting audience participation throughout His questions ldquoWha

December 10 2014

December 10 2014THE MUD ON KL One of BaliSpirit Festivals bestloved friends 2009 director Amsalan Doraisingam has combined his talents with BSF 2009 festival performer Mia Palencia to help create the most talkedabout new Asian big stage musical in many years As BSFs founding creative director Amsalan worked with the festival founders to create a totally unique ldquospirit festivalrdquo now considered the model for this kind of event around the world As Director of KL MUD Amsalan has put another outstanding event on the international map while Mia Palencia an extraordinary songstress and musician composed both the music and songs for MUD This musical presents the history of the city from 1857 when the first foreigners landed knee deep in the river mud of KL to prospect for tin KL MUD has become a huge new attraction for the city of Kuala Lumpur attracting thousands of international and Malaysian tourists to this e