Thank You from The Rotary Club of Bali Canggu

We would like to say Happy New Year and a very big thank you to members of our local community who supported the Rotary Club of Bali Canggu’s (RCBC) throughout 2019.

The latter part of 2019 RCBC was largely focused on making plans for supporting children on Lombok to supply books for two libraries, one in the north of the island and one in the south. We already have the money earmarked for this and if we have surplus, we will add extra toilets to a nearby school that currently only has 2 toilets for 300 students.

In November we carried out a feasibility study on Sumba island to supply hand dug wells to 3 villages around Kodi Belagar, Sumba Barat Daya, NTT.

Western Sumba is generally deprived of access to potable water and access to water becomes particularly limited during the dry season from April to October. The Kodi Belagar area has a particular water issue as there are no hills in the area, natural springs are nearly non-existent and people have to walk long distances to get to deep wells, or spend money getting the water trucked in from deep bore wells or local rivers. Further the population in Kodi is the poorest on Sumba island and also the least educated.

The current project aims to raise support for the construction of three hand dug water wells in the Kodi Belagar area to provide potable water for around 1,000 people in need.

On Bali we are rebuilding a house in North Bali for a disadvantaged family introduced to us by Solemen who identified their plight after part of the house collapsed. The cost for this is Rp65,000,000. So far we have raised around Rp.38,000,000 for this and are setting up a “Sponsor a Brick” campaign to raise the rest of the money. In the meantime construction will commence. If you would like to donate to this or any of our projects then please send your donation to the account listed below.

Huge thanks to our Rotarian Donna Greene for her tireless fundraising efforts to help support our projects here and on other islands. We really appreciate your hard work and dedication Donna. And of course thanks to our supporters. We are not able to run social projects like this and events like these without your continued support and commitment to help.


Who is Rotary Canggu?

We are a small yet passionate group (15 members and growing) of like-minded people who offer service and support to local projects and good causes. And we are passionate about serving the Canggu community and beyond.

We are increasing our membership in the coming year, so if you would like to help and be part of a family style group of friends, why not join us for our bi-weekly meetings held on the first and third Tuesday of every month in the Tugu Hotel in Batu Bolong from 6pm.

Our meetings typically include an inspiring guest speaker and usually run from 6:30pm to 7:30pm. WhatsApp 08113998850 for more details.

As well as getting together with like-minded people, learning about club projects and listening to guest speakers present interesting topics, you are more than welcome to join RCBC members, along with visiting Rotarians and guests after the meeting finishes for drinks and snacks. We’d love to meet you and welcome you to help us by becoming part of the solution.

Conversely, if you want to help us but simply don’t have the time to be hands on then consider making a donation, either one off or recurring to help us realise our projects and change lives.


Donations to:

Account Name: Rotary Bali Canggu

Account No.: 8113999992

Bank: BNI

Branch: Renon



Once again thank you to everyone for making our thriving and energetic club such a great success!

Mark Savage President RCBC 2018 -2019

Phone: +628113998850


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