Ever since the popularity of Eat, Pray, Love women especially have been thronging to Bali looking for love, a spiritual connection or health.

Ubud has become a mecca for those seeking change in their lives, to improve their health, find some spiritual transformation, get over a broken heart or simply find a new direction in their life. Many arrive not even knowing what they’re looking for. They just know that something needs to change to become happy and healthy.



Well you can sign up for a retreat.  There’s all sorts of those available in Ubud – yoga, breath, rehab, mediation, spa or transformation just to name a few. Many people attend yoga every day or meditate daily or eat raw food. While all of those things may be good for you, if you have some underlying health issues, those need to be addressed. High on the list of holistic things to do in Ubud is detox, which has become very popular.  We’re all aware that we’ve been eating poorly for years, breathing polluted air or partaking of alcoholic drinks, drugs or cigarettes. Colonic irrigation is one option to deal with those nasty toxins we’ve indulged in. Ubud may well have the cleanest colons in Indonesia with eight centers located in this small town. I decided to check out this cleansing phenomenon see why it’s so popular.

I’ve been several times to different locations for colon therapy but was highly recommended to check out The Smiling Buddha located on the outskirts of Ubud. This small homey clinic was set up by an Australian nurse Lesley, highly qualified in the art of colonics. She personally trained Putu, her assistant, who now operates the clinic with five years of experience under her belt.

I arrived a little early at the Smiling Buddha and was immediately greeted by a very large friendly dog snoozing in the home-like lounge. I was sure that behind the closed wooden doors a treatment was going on so I helped myself to a glass of water and sat by the dog to wait. A few minutes later a door opened and a smiling Balinese lady, came out to greet me, introducing herself as Putu. She asked me to wait a few minutes while she finished with her client. Moments later her client emerged and headed immediately to the toilet. As the dog and I became friends, Putu returned and sat next to me to chat a little before starting the treatment.

Accompanying me into her inner sanctum of work I sat down opposite Putu as she explained about the equipment from the UK that she uses.  It was different from any of my previous experiences elsewhere. A small TV screen was on the wall above the box-like equipment, which was attached to a small camera to monitor the debris emerging during the cleansing process. They use filtered spring water that flows non-stop during the process, which is approximately 60 litres of water during the hour. She explained because the water was constantly gently flowing it caused less discomfort to the client. My previous experiences involved filling the colon to capacity and stopping the water until it became uncomfortable for the client then releasing the water, repeating this process numerous times until the usual 19 liters of water was used.

Lying face up on the bed, Putu gently examined my abdominal region, pressing her fingers probing for blockages or gas in the colon. As she did this she explained how the colon worked and all of its parts and functions.  Confessing to my history of constipation she explained how this had stretched a part of my colon, creating a bulge.

After my examination I laid on my side for her to gently insert the sterile plastic nozzle inside of me, then returned to lying face up. Let the water works begin. Putu checked the water pressure and comfort as I watched the TV monitor.  Clear water appeared in the clear hose for several minutes as Putu observed my abdomen. Gradually sludge began to appear in the hose.  Putu explained that the process was like exercising my colon to function the way it should it should be naturally.

She told me that in her five years of experience, only three men, ranging in age from twenties to fifties had clean well-working systems. And that’s from hundreds of clients.


How often should you have colon cleansing?

This varies according to your system. If you have a lot of build-up in your system you’ll probably need at least three sessions to get rid of the old gunk.  After that once a month is good. The Smiling Buddha offers packages of three, which will save you money and keep your system running smoothly.


Benefits of Colon Cleansing

A generally accepted theory of the benefit of colon cleansing is that hardened mucus lining the intestinal wall greatly reduces your ability to absorb nutrition. Not being able to absorb proper nutrition feeds the cycle of craving more food and stronger flavours. The truth is what your body really desires is better nutrition. Unless this cycle is broken, no amount of will power will successfully change your dietary habits in the long run.

Most people notice that after this intestinal build-up has been removed their body returns to a more natural state and a greater awareness of how foods actually affect them. This opens the possibility to fully appreciate the “true taste” of foods. This makes dietary changes much easier and people really feel and taste the difference.

Most people grimace when I mention colon cleansing, thinking that it will be painful, dirty and disgusting and embarrassing. In fact, it’s none of those things. The Smiling Buddha is very clean with sterile equipment and Putu’s expertise and gentle manner put you at ease. It’s time to clean up your act.


Smiling Buddha Colonic Irrigation

Jl. Tirta Tawar No.6, Petulu, Ubud,

Kabupaten Gianyar, Bali 80571

Phone: +62 812-3787-1644


Get a copy of Shari’s book The Spa Guru’s Home Spa of home spa recipes from Bali available on Amazon as e-book or hard cover.

Copyright spa inspirations 2017

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