UK Healer Roams the World

UK Healer Roams the WorldAlison began her journey from the tender age of four when she first began speaking words of truth For many years she shut that part of herself down because it wasnt acceptable for her family who came from strong Catholic and Protestant religions When she was 19 everything changed when Alison started astral traveling This was the catalyst for all her abilities to be reactivated again She began having visions and seeing and feeling what was happening with other people Her dreams were filled with insight about what was to come ldquoSadly a lot of what I saw was about death I would be walking along and see something that was about to happen Within 24 hours it would manifest An example was a dream I had about a guy who came to my house and was bitten by a snake and died In reality he never came to my home but at the same time he died I woke having just witnessed it the next day I heard that this is exactly what h

U.K. Healer Roams the World

Alison began her journey from the tender age of four when she first began speaking words of truth. For many years she shut that part of herself down, because it wasn’t acceptable for her family who came from strong Catholic and Protestant religions. When she was 19, everything changed when Alison started astral traveling. This was the catalyst for all her abilities to be reactivated again. She began having visions and seeing and feeling what was happening with other people. Her dreams were filled with insight about what was to come.

“Sadly a lot of what I saw was about death. I would be walking along and see something that was about to happen. Within 24 hours it would manifest. An example was a dream I had about a guy who came to my house and was bitten by a snake and died. In reality, he never came to my home, but at the same time he died I woke having just witnessed it, the next day I heard that this is exactly what had happened to him,” said Alison.

Years later, Alison had the ability to walk into a supermarket and see what was happening for everybody energetically – what was going on in their bodies as well as what they were thinking about in their minds. It all became too much for her, so she asked for these abilities to be turned off unless she was working.

Energetically, it took Alison a very long time to understand what was happening to her and that she was actually picking up on other people’s stuff and processing their energies. She didn’t have the support or understanding that’s around today.

When she was about 32 years old, she had a big wakeup call about working with energy. She was dealing with a big case of satanic ritual abuse and one day she woke up paralysed and blind. This is when she really began to open up to what energy can do and what’s really out there.

“From that point I spent many years astral travelling to other countries where I could see the darkness that’s playing out in war zones and in people. I do a lot of energy clearing. I think some people call it entities and demons. I don’t really have labels for them, because I just see what they look like and know the different jobs that they have.”

This ties into Alison’s one-on-one work as she is able to see into people’s chakras and go into their energy field to clear out what needs to be released.

“I work with many people with serious and long-term illness where I tend to find a lot of attachments. The moment I go into their gold chakra, I’m given the exact age that their illness began and why. This allows for very quick healing to occur for the person,” said Alison.

Her work is so successful, that Alison is regularly invited by different countries to offer her workshops and private sessions. Her most recent invitation is to China this November where she will be teaching several workshops and many private sessions, in fact there is already a waiting list for her next visit.

Alison first came to Bali to work at the 2014 Bali Spirit Festival. She decided to return again, because she felt that Bali is a great place to offer workshops and retreats to connect with all those who are seeking healing and transformation. During her time at the festival, she met a woman who has become a dear friend. They recently led a retreat together which led to huge transformations of the attendees, an engagement of one couple and monetary bonuses for the facilitators from another. Consequently, many people back in the UK and Australia are asking for them to repeat their 10 day program which they will be co-facilitating April 4 – 13, 2015.

“There seems to be a huge amount of people who are struggling in their relationships which is why we will continue to focus in this area yet also offer so much more.”

“In life we are social beings. The majority of people wish to be in relationships however, our history often plays out negatively preventing us from having positive loving ones. For my own journey, I see how relationships have actually been a big part of my 50 years. Finding a way of peace within relationships has been a big journey for me. The key for me is not getting involved or attached to other people’s needs and dramas, as well as freeing up my own needs so that I can just be. That’s not about being perfect; it’s about being balanced at it,” said Alison.

Alison has some amazing tools and techniques that help people to create truly fulfilling relationships. The friend she works with is also an energy healer who works internationally. With her skills in Shamanic work and insights into healing and clearing people’s limiting beliefs, they are able to create some incredible possibilities for people to heal and transform their lives.

“The fact that the pair of us have been working for such a long time in similar and different areas makes us a good balance and we just click. It’s really easy,” said Alison.

Again, their retreat in April 2015 will begin on a full moon eclipse on the beach. There will be a day of healing, teaching, attunements, learning and experiential sharing of how to understand and look after your energy field from the Vishoka Healing School. There will also be an Access Bars training day in which participants will learn a potent hands on the body process which facilitates a clearing out of any judgments or points of views that are keeping you stuck in your life. All participants will receive a certificate which qualifies them to practice the BARS. Participants will also be doing deep inner work for clearing and healing all the blocks and barriers and understanding self in relationship to self and others.

Alison has worked with people from many countries including India, Brazil, USA, Europe and Bali. Last year she worked with a Balinese couple who were on the verge of divorce. As a result, their marriage was rekindled and both of them fell in love again.

When it comes to culture, Alison focuses on working with the person in a loving compassionate manner; the issues the person brings are then what she works with.

Alison will be back on Bali from Nov. 23 – Dec. 16th. During that time, she and her friend will be co-facilitating a workshop on: ‘Understanding Your Energy’ in Ubud on November 30th at Warung Sopa. Additionally, Alison will be teaching a two day workshop: ‘Are you Listening Darling?’ The workshop will focus on helping people to find a deeper connection within their relationships. It will also be held at the same location on December 6th and 7th.

“For me life is a blessing. How many people get to know that they are truly on the right path? I’m not saying that getting here has been an easy journey; there’s been a huge amount of work that I’ve had to do on myself. I constantly work within, because if I don’t I will become a barrier to other people. I’ve also got to the level that I know that when I heal something within myself, I’m also healing it for thousands of people out there.”

Alison feels it’s very important for people to look after their energy by protecting themselves from picking up on other people’s energies. She would like to share with everyone how to do this. Just visit her website at: and sign up for her newsletter. You’ll then be given a free meditation on how to protect your energy. You can also e-mail Alison at: to find out about her upcoming workshops or 1-2-1 sessions on Bali this November/December as well as her retreat in April 2015.

Michele is an energy healer, consciousness facilitator, spiritual teacher & Transpersonal Hynotherapist who works in the international arena. Her highly empathic nature & inherent gifts, together with her extensive training in a wide variety of healing methods enables her to assist you with healing on all levels. She leads retreats & workshops for personal empowerment both on & off Bali.;

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Copyright 2014 © Michele Cempaka