Welcome to the Rotary Club Bali Canggu

Helping Your Community. Have you considered getting involved in social projects in Bali but don’t know where to begin? The members of the Rotary Club Bali Canggu are a group of like minded individuals, both locals and westerners, who come together to help our community. We are currently looking for new members to to join our team, so come along and join our Tuesday fortnightly meetings at the Hotel Tugu Bali, Jalan Pantai Batu Bolong, Canggu Beach.

The Rotary Club Bali Canggu is a young, active and vibrant club now entering our 6th year with a passion to serve our local community in Bali. Rotarians make a real difference.

The Rotary motto is “Service Above Self”.

Our club revolves around 2 themes – Fellowship and Projects.

Projects come in all shapes and sizes. One of our earlier very successful projects was a School Waste Management Program working together with Eco Bali where we educated 11 Elementary Schools in Canggu on how to reduce, reuse and recycle waste. Teaching the children the correct techniques gives them the opportunity to put instructions into practice for a successful outcome.

Environmental projects are very important to us. We were also able to launch an organic composting project, and together with our friends at Rotary Club of Bali Taman, we taught the local residents how to compost domestic food waste and even sell the resulting compost, thus reducing the huge amount of waste going to landfill every week.  A very important issue on this small island!

Last year we had a great opportunity to work together with Wake Water on the ‘Water Tank and Sanitation Project’ in Kubu, Karangasem in the north-east of Bali. In this village people suffer from a chronic shortage of water during the dry season and they all get very sick from drinking dirty water, especially the children. Our project was to install 26 water tanks with each tank able to hold 3,400 litres of of drinking water collected by natural rainfall. This then provides enough to last the families through the dry season. Such a much needed and essential resource to sustain life and ease suffering. A project we were very proud of.

Currently we are involved in a new project taking place at the Salam Orphanage in Tabanan. This project is between the Rotary Club Bali Canggu and the Rotary Club of Wauchope in Australia. As the International partners we act as local coordinator and offer on ground assistance required. The home is for children from very poor homes whose families simply can’t afford to feed and clothe them. It offers them very basic dormitory style sleeping arrangements with basic food consisting mainly of rice and fish. The education however is quite good with some children going on to higher education.The school urgently requires funding for proper functioning new toilets and shower facilities, plus repairs and improvements to many basic facilities. Major work is also required to the septic tank, to be replaced with a 3 tiered system with a waste garden. We will also repair a heavily damaged basketball court. Our club is very much looking forward to our involvement and bringing smiles to the children’s faces.

In 2013 the Rotaract Club Bali Canguu (sponsored by Rotary Club Bali Canggu) was founded. Rotaract is for the younger men and women aged between 18-30. We encourage young people to join to nurture leadership skills and become more aware and responsible members of the community. Their projects are specifically chosen for community service such as visiting orphanages, interacting with young people and introducing special guests to share knowledge and skills. For further information please visit  https://www.facebook.com/ract.canggu/

Being a Rotarian is about not only having a social and moral conscience, but being prepared to act on it. When you join forces with other like minded people with the same perspective, you can achieve things together that would not otherwise be possible. Well meaning individuals are able to really make a difference and change people’s lives for the better. We currently have 25 members (14 men and 11 women) of all ages and nationalities and encourage you to come along and join in our inspiring meetings.

The Rotary Club Bali Canggu meets fortnightly, the first and third Tuesday of each month at 18:00 (6:00pm). Our meeting location is the very beautiful and historic Hotel Tugu at the end of Jalan Batu Bolong in Canggu and well worth the visit, even if just to take a look around at this amazing building. You will learn about our club projects, enjoy listening to one of our many guest speakers, meet visiting Rotarians, then sit back and enjoy a cold beer or two and have a social chat with everyone. For any further information please contact the club secretary Susan Grant grantsusan58@gmail.com

Hope to see you soon!

By : Susan Grant


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