I needed a new granola taste for my morning fruit bowl with yogurt. Earl Gray tea was waving at me from the counter. “Hmmmm. Why not?’ I thought. This delicious crunchy granola smells divine while it’s baking, and is even better when you pop a few clusters in your mouth. It has that oh-so-satisfying crunch appeal and holds up well in milk without becoming soggy.
Crunchy Earl Gray Granola
Makes 4 cups
– 2 Earl Gray tea bags
– 2/3 cup almost boiling water
– 2 1/2 cups rolled oats
– 1/3 cup sunflower seeds
– 1/3 cup pumpkin seeds
– 1/3 cup almonds, cashews or walnuts, chopped
– 1/4 cup sesame seeds
– 1/4 cup poppy seeds – optional
– 1 1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon
– 1 1/2 tsp. ground cardamom
– 1 whole lemon, well washed, the zest or skin finely grated, and the fruit juiced. You can use an orange for variation
– 1/4 cup palm sugar
– 1/4 cup honey
– 1/4 cup canola, rice bran or coconut oil
– 1 tsp. vanilla extract
– 2/3 cup dried cranberries
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
Line a large metal rimmed cookie sheet with baking paper.
Put two Earl Gray tea bags in a cup with the hot water and let steep while you put the other ingredients together.
In a large bowl combine the oats, sunflower, pumpkin, sesame seeds, optional poppy seeds, nuts, cinnamon and cardamom. Toss this well together until all ingredients are evenly distributed. Set aside.
Remove the tea bags from the cup, squeezing them to extract as much flavor as possible. In a small pot combine the tea, lemon zest and juice, the palm sugar, honey and oil. Heat this mixture, stirring but do not boil. When the palm sugar has melted, remove from the heat and stir in the vanilla.
Now pour the liquid over the dry ingredients in the large bowl. Stir and toss this well with a big spoon. Pour the granola onto the prepared baking sheet and spread evenly.
Slide the sheet into the preheated oven. Every 10 minutes turn the granola over, breaking up big clumps. This will allow for even browning. Do this for 40 minutes, or until browned and the kitchen smells divine.
Remove from the oven and let cool a bit before adding the dried cranberries. Stir well and let cool completely before storing in an air-tight container.
To serve, pour the granola into a bowl and top with yogurt, kefir, milk, or fruit juice.
Happy Breakfast!
Untuk 4 cangkir
Bahan bahan:
– 2 tas teh Earl Gray
– 2/3 cangkir air panas
– 2 1/2 oat, yang kasar
– 1/3 cangkir biji bunga matahari
– 1/3 cangkir biji labu
– 1/3 cangkir kacang almond, mente, atau walnut
– 1/4 cangkir biji wijen atau poppy
– 1 1/2 tsp. bubuk kayu manis istimewa
– 1 1/2 tsp. bubuk kapulaga “cardamom”
– 1 jeruk lemon, cuci bersih, kulitnya di parut, dan isinya dijus. Bisa pakai jeruk orange.
– 1/4 cangkir gula bali
– 1/4 cangkir madu
– 1/4 cangkir minyak canola, minyak rice bran, atau minyak kelapa
– 1 tsp. vanili cair
– 2/3 cangkir cranberry kering
Cara Membuat :
Panaskan oven sampai 350 derajat F. Ambil cetakan besi yang besar. Taruh kertas timah di dalamnya.
Taruh 2 tas teh di dalam mangkok dengan 2/3 cangkir air panas.
Siapkan mangkok besar, masukkan oat, biji bunga matahari, kacang, biji wijen dan poppy kalau pakai, dan biji labu, bubuk kayu manis dan kapulaga. Aduk sampai semua bahan tercampur rata. Taruh mangkok di samping.
Di dalam panci campur teh Earl Gray (keluar tas) dengan kulit jeruk lemon dan jus, gula bali, madu dan minyak. Panaskan sambil diaduk. Jangan direbus, hanya bikin hangat saja. Keluar dari api dan tambahkan vanili cair. Aduk lagi sampai semua bahan tercampur bagus.
Sekarang tuangkan bahan basah di atas bahan kering dan aduk bagus. Masukkan adonan ini di atas cetakan dengan kertas dan ratakan.
Masukkan kedalam oven, taruh di atas rak ditenggah oven dan masak 40 menit atau sampai berwarna coklat mas. Aduk tiap 10 menit supaya matangnya merata.
Keluar dari oven, biarkan dingin dulu, kemudian masukkan cranberry kering. Aduk sampai rata. Bisa simpan dalam toples dan tutur rapat.
Enak makan dengan yogurt, susu atau jus buah.