Rosemary Oil

Against the background of Javanese culture and the fading power of Japanese occupiers Java in a Time of Revolution explores the origins of revolutionary youth groups the military and political parties with remarkable scope and in scrupulous detail First published in 1972 by Cornell University Press this classic was brought back to life by Equinox Publishing kicking off the publishers Classic Indonesia series in 2007

Rosemary Oil

I had a lot of leftover rosemary that I didn’t want to waste. Victoria gave me the idea to make rosemary oil out of it. This is super easy and keeps for a long time in the fridge. It’s great with eggs, drizzled on salad or over steamed veggies. We used it in scrambled eggs with sautéed chopped onion, chopped roasted turkey, salt and pepper and a good swish of the rosemary oil. It was super yum! In the next issue I’ll give you a recipe for using it with chicken.

Rosemary Oil
Makes about 1 cup


– 1/2 cup fresh rosemary leaves, washed and stripped from stems, coarsely chopped
– 6 fresh basil leaves, washed and torn by hand
– salt and pepper to taste
– 1 large clove garlic, cut in half
– 3/4 cup olive oil


Put all the ingredients in the container of a blender or stick blender and run until pureed as smoothly as possible.

Set aside at room temperature for a couple of hours and then strain out the solids. Keep the oil in the fridge until ready to use. It will keep for months.

You can optionally add lemon zest when you are going to use the oil but it’s better not to store the oil with the zest so it doesn’t become bitter.

Minyak Dengan Rasa Rosemary

Untuk kira kira 1 cangkir

Bahan bahan:

– 1/2 cangkir daun segar rosemary, dicuci bersih, buang batangnya, dipotong kasar
– 6 daun segar besil, dicuci dan dirobek dengan tangan
– garam dan merica, secukupnya
– 1 siung besar bawang putih, dipotong setengah
– 3/4 cangkir minyak olive

Cara Membuat:

Masukkan semua bahan kedalam blender atau stik blender, blender sampai semua bahan tercampur bagus dan halus sekali.

Taruh disamping untuk berberapa jam, kemudian disaring. Masukkan kedalam toples atau botol yang ada tutupnya. Simpan dikulkas. Ini bisa disimpan sampai berbulan-bulan.

Kalau mau bisa tambahkan kulit jeruk lemon saat mau dihidangkan/dipakai, jangan diisi kulit jeruk lemon saat penyimpanan, karena minyak rosemary ini akan menjadi pahit.

Minyak rosemary ini bisa ditabur diatas telur scramble atau bisa dipakai untuk menggoreng, bisa ditabur di atas sayur yang dikukus, atau bisa ditabur diatas ayam atau untuk menggoreng ayam.

All recipes are available on the Bali Advertiser website in both English and Indonesian versions. You can easily copy and paste and print. Paste as unformatted text.

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